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Garnier Light, i have been using it for the past 4 years and see a very good improvment in my skin.
Oh I use so many! I have oily T-zone area, but kinda dry skin, plus I have acne (how horrible huh?). So I've tried a bunch of different things. I've used Clinique, and it's ok.. But there's always an oily build up after a little bit. even on the dryer areas of my face* I've tried shiseido and clarins and stuff from like more pricier brands, but there's a lot of fragrance. A little bit more heavier, and also a heavy build up of oil over short amount of time. I'm now using aveno some kind of spf 15 and it claims that it makes your skin tone more even. It's pretty good! It's light, protects skin from sun, and it does even out the skin tone. Idk if they mean long term, but once you put it on, it works almost like a foundation. Bc the cream is white and theres a little spf, so it just puts a light tint over your face to make things look even (in a very good way). I've read somewhere that drug stores' lotions and creams work well, and you shouldn't spend money on buying pricey things. and there you go! aveno's pretty good. I was looking at walgreens online, and they have a korean brand for like natural moisturizers, face washes, and masks. So I'm hoping to just finish up all my moisturizers before purchasing more. But good luck in finding your right one (if you're looking for it)! Oh and also, I tend to be allergic to some sheseido and clarins products in case you have sensitive skin.
Oh and I've tried origin also. I think they have great face washes and masks. but not moisturizers! they suck and builds up and oily layer and i'm also a little allergic to it as well. not very moisturizing..
Well, that sound pretty nasty! I don't use any creams on my face yet (late 20's, NO wrinkles--so far---YEAH!!!) but that sounds pretty nas---what brand of cream has that so I can avoid it like the plague??
let me tell you girl you should just rub your face with a mixture of lemon juice and metal shavings. the shaveings are hard to find you might have to produce your own but i'm telling you rub it in real good. the burning is perfectly normal and when you wake up the next day well don't thank me, just enjoy the beauty!