My baby boy is 13 days old now and he is eating like a horse. He manages several little hour long cat naps throughout the day but never seems to sleep much longer. Same thing during the night. I'm up every hour and his appetite never seems satisfied. I need to know that things are going to improve as the sleep deprivation is making me one grumpy mommyo. How did you handle the night feeds / waking? When might I expect things to improve even just a little?
Mommy to Ethan2009-05-20T08:31:14Z
Favorite Answer
My son was this way. It was awful...I thought I would die! It does get better, but it takes time, which is not comforting while you're going through it, I know.
I would go ahead and start a loose bedtime routine. This will become crucial to getting your lo to sleep in the future!
My guy didn't really get better until around 4 months, but he wasn't great then. At 5 months, we let him cry after I fell asleep driving on the way to work. But I wouldn't let him cry before 5 or 6 months. And a lot of people are opposed to might be. All I know is my guy goes to bed at 6:30, wakes once to eat, and gets up at 6.
Hang in there...we're not all blessed w/ good sleepers!
My son slept all the time. My daughter could take short cat naps and keep on going 24/7. She didn't sleep through the night till she was over 6 months old.
each child is different. I would of paid someone a thousand dollars to be able to sleep through just one night.
my daughter was exactly the same, theres not much you can do but stay up with my daughter this changed at 5 weeks where she was able to sleep at night and had naps during the day, her appetite also slowed down just hang in there