Dream interpretation please?

ok, i had this dream a long time ago... here goes.
Ok, i was sitting at my patio table outside of my house eating sunflower seeds, and my mom suddenly bursts out of the door in a panic, telling me to get inside the house. as i get up a guy that i dubbed the "entertainment Frankenstein" walked into my yard. this guy was wearing a top hat like Slash's (GnR), a painted white mask, like Joey Jordison's(Slipknot), a purple sweater, it reminded me of Mr. Rogers, the guy who has that kids show.
When i saw him I bolted into my house and i woke up. it's probably the most vivid of the dreams i remember even though I had it about a year ago.

I appreciate the help.


Favorite Answer

some times dreams dont really mean anything. Those dreams have a speacial name i just cant remeber what their called. anyways i know those dreams are like your brains trash, all the images you see, read, or hear about all blend together and then replay again during your sleep. i wouldnt concern myself too much if i were u


I think you are listening to too much Guns n Roses and Slipknot.
Just so you know, my sister's best friend's stepdad is the lead singer of Slipknot... they are not scary at all without their masks!Mr. Rogers is the bomb, so he's nothing to be scared of... all and all, so random!