What can you do for your Country?

JFK posed this question and I sir am no JFK. However given our current political landscape I feel that this question might be relevant. I will clarify the is a question for US citizens. Others are welcome to answer what they can do for their own country just clarify what counrty you are answering for if not the USA


Billie G

I remember a quote from Mother Teresa when someone asked how she got so much done in one day and her reply was “I do what is in front of me” Helping someone in your face is brilliant and in some cases worthy of sainthood.

I thank you for your service to the country and your community. So little is put into being a good neighbor but it means so much on so many different levels. I hope you continue to do

I have never served in the military. If it is worth anything to you I would like to extend thanks to you and all the brethren that serve or served with you. I can only hope that most that love this country honor those that pay the ultimate price for our freedom.

I agree with your statements

Well done. A little over the top for me but I agree with most of your points

I want to thank everyone for their answers.

Chi Guy2009-05-20T18:04:12Z

Favorite Answer

I've already done it.

Federal service
Tax payer
Good neighbor
Opposed-lie based war
Opposed trampling over US Constitution due to baseless fear


Japan a million Ichiro 2 Daisuke Matsuzaka Dominican Republic a million Albert Pujols 7 Alfonso Soriano Venezuela a million Johan Santana 3 Miguel Cabrera united states of america a million Alex Rodriguez 5 Jake Peavy Taiwan a million Chien-Ming Wang 2 Chin-long Hu


What you can do for your country is to save it from those who are trying to destroy it!

There are forces who are working to overthrow Constitutional government. They have been working for a long time. Their pace has accelerated alarmingly over the last ten or fifteen years.

A few years ago, most Americans were unable to see this trend. Today, many can see it. Some still resist the obvious, referring to "conspiracy theories". And many of these wacky conspiracy theories are invented to muddy the waters and ridicule the idea of conspiracy.

But we all know that conspiracies exist. Organized crime is based on conspiracy. Why would anyone doubt that conspiracies are not to be found in government?

Most people have a low opinion of politicians. We constantly see them caught in lies. We all know what a "political promise" is. Does anyone actually this treachery is based on individual greed or ideology?

No, many of our politicians have made deals with special interest. They have involved us in war we didn't have to fight. Their treachery has resulted in billions of dollars enriching these special interests. Tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost over greed and the globalist lust for power; the New World Order.

So, what can we do for out country? We can expose these criminals who are destroying our freedoms and swindling us. We can expose the phony "War on Terrorism" which is being used to destroy the Bill of Rights", and the ongoing move to disarm the American people. We can point out that it was our own politicians who brought terrorism to us.

When enough Americans are informed, we can elect real Americans who will honor Constitutional government, rather than working to subvert it.


I can boycott oil where I can.

I can also light fires in the minds of the majority, so we can get some REAL change.

I can tell the people the truth.

***I could say take personal responsibility so others don't have to take on my burden, but that would sound dumb in this day and age, wouldn't it?

I do it anyway, though, America can't take much more on her back.

***I think the best thing I can do is teach people our TRUE history on the 5th grade level, so everyone can understand, and also how to use critical thinking skills.

And help anyone in front of my face.


Be involved, don't just listen to the media, but know your community, know what real people have to say. Support others in need without being asked to do so, and never ever trust the government.

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