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Once we've made a mistake n have to suffer the consequences, or see WHY it shouldn't hav ben done.... we don't want to suffer teh conseqences again.. or see the bad again.. so we simply remember not to make teh same mistake again...
we learn from our mistakes...
I agree with the first few answers, in that we can learn from them... however there is more to it than that i believe.... The less mistakes we make, the more we insist on being perfect... and the less we are proud of ourselves when we do well, because we simply end up seeing it as 'not failing' as apposed to actual success....
This is where perfectionism is at its worse... we need to make mistakes to remind ourselves that it is actually ok to make them, and to remember that we are all able to pick ourselves up, learn from them, and try again....
We learn more from mistakes
Tony M
Yes, because often people can learn from their mistakes.
Because you get to know what is wrong and what kind of things are not good for you and the people around you