Preschool theme: Red, White, and Blue?

Got any ideas for activities?

♪Kingdom Teacher♪†♪2009-05-24T11:54:36Z

Favorite Answer

By red, white, blue and dancing ribbons or sticks. Go to the craft store or even the 99 cent store and get crate paper, and attach it with tape or sticks. And do color songs with only those colors.

Do scavenger hunts were you hide letters, numbers or shapes that are only those 3 colors.

Have all there cutting projects, or other art projects include one of those colors. Do a mixing color project, see what red and blue make.

Do a cooking project with maybe foods that are these colors, or you can turn these colors. Different Jello's, fruit........


Red jello with small objects to treasure hunt for. fruit pieces, toys, large beads etc. It addresses many sensory areas, including tactile, visual, proprioception. Another idea, and I have not tried this, but how about spaghetti with "sauce", talk about a tactile experience. The sauce could be made out of something red that won't stain clothes or hands. How big is your sensory tub? You could fill it with those red hot candies, though this could be a choking hazard if your kids decide they look good to eat, and what 18-24 month old does not think that at some point. Good Luck.


Decorate cookies, with red white and blue frosting or use a healthier version using cream cheese on graham crackers.

Melissa Lovejoy2009-05-23T11:17:49Z


great ideas by color or theme (Independence Day)

Good Luck