What job can a 11 year old boy get?

I play the piano and already made an albulm. I also love making slideshows. Is there any job I can get at my age? (pianist etc.) I live in Oahu!

sassy & classy2009-05-28T17:16:52Z

Favorite Answer

Yah theirs all sorts! You can be a news paper boy, they actually make a good amount if you do all your routes and sell a lot! I think? Or if your really good at playing the piano you can be an instructor for other people interested in learning - oh and if your also good in making slideshows post a link in craigslist saying your willing to do slide shows for 1st birthday parties at a cheaper price than the professionals and put one of your samples! TRUST ME... If I saw your add, and liked your work i would probably hire you to do the slide show and I would tell you to play for my entertainment! Because what I paid for my sons slideshow and entertainment was sooo dang expensive!!!!


Lemonade Stand. Sorry, but with today's recession...finding jobs, getting jobs, or starting a business is hard. I wish the best of luck to you. Maybe advertise your piano playing, and play at birthdays, weddings, and other events. I would pay for a person to play the piano at my birthday. haha


you could get a job of mowing\

