Very raw and obscene question...but it is 100% serious. Preferable mental health experts only please?

Ok. This is a question concerning the mental health of my girlfriend. I am a 26 year old guy and my girlfriend of 9 years is 28. We have never been sexually active for 7 years now, so I know what she likes and doesn't like, and vice least up until last night, when she scared the hell out of me with her total flip of wants. In my opinion we know each other more than we know ourselves. We have never been away from each other more than two weeks since we got together. We are madly in love, we never get sick of each other, yeah we have our fights but every couple does. Anyway. About my girlfriend.

She is 5'8, around 115 pounds, dark brown hair and blue eyes, if that even matters. I don't know what mental health experts need to "diagnose" a person. I am to embarrassed to go to a doctor face to face. This answers thing is my last resort.

She is a dominant woman. She knows what she wants, and she thinks before she acts. She is independent when it comes to making it on her own, but needs the love of a relationship to be happy. She is very smart, she is a nurse's assistant and was always an honors student in middle and high school. She has only smoke pot one time, has never drank alcohol and was not abused as a child. She has a healthy diet and exercises every single day for two hours minimum. Her parents were very loving and caring, actually. She has an older and two younger sisters, and no brothers. Her mother was a dentist and her father was a Major in the USMC. They both looked out for all four of their kids like no other parent.

Sorry this is taking so long to get to the point, but like I said, I don't know what people need to make a diagnosis.

Anyway...I took her out to buy a new dress yesterday, because I had made reservations to a very, very fancy 5 star restaurant. We ate, came home, and cuddled on the bed while watching tv. We started kissing, and it got real heavy really fast. She pushed me down and sat on top of me, and tied my wrists and ankles to each bed post. I thought this was an odd turn for her, because usually she is the one that likes being submissive. But then, she got completely naked, and sat on my face! She started giggling when I tried to get away, because she basically cut my air supply off and I couldn't breathe. Plus it was gross as hell, I mean, her butt was ON my face. I was so grossed out. She moved forward and looked at me, smiling, and I was basically begging her to stop and telling her that I wanted to be untied NOW and it was just awkward as hell. She frowned and sat on my face again, and said that she was just getting started. She sat there GRINDING my face deeper and deeper into her butt. She was moving back and forth demanding that i sniff and lick it. I seriously gagged, I was grossed out to the max. I couldn't get the damn ropes undone either, she tied them so good. She got upset that I was not excited and got even more upset when it remained like that the entire time. She got "hers", though. That went on for over two hours. She varied position from time to time, but that doesn't matter. Basically, what the f*ck got into her? What the hell is wrong with her? She has NEVER acted like that before! She has almost always been the submisive one. She says she likes strong men that "show her the ropes". After she stood up over me I kept saying untie me untie me now and she FINALLY did. I imediately ran to the bathroom and locked myself in so I could throw up and wash my face and get the smell of butt out of my nose. I am getting sick just thinking and typing about it now. After I got out she smiled, SMILED and asked how it was. I couldn't even talk to her I just went to bed, horrified. Seriously, what the hell happened to her? I don't understand. The weirdest thing happened so fast. It was disgusting, but she LOVED it. Please only mature people answer this, I don't need answers that put me or her down or tell me to leave her or what ever. She is my life and I love her to death, I am just worried. Thanks in advance for the answers.


Not never been sexually active for 7 years, we HAVE been sexually active for 7 years. Sorry.


Favorite Answer

This is the most awesome post ever.

That said, she's probably looking for something new to get the excitement going. I'm sure you guys lead a constant Rockstar/James Bond lifestyle/relationship but after seven years even the best things can start to feel old, even if it's only on a subconscious level.

I've been in two long-term relationships (5+ years) and had many other shorter ones and have found that talking about bills and vacuuming and who gets to do the dishes just isn't as exciting after the four-hundredth time (and isn't nearly as fun as the "hey, we've got thirty minutes for lunch, let's go ***** somewhere" attitude of new relationships).

So yeah, my guess is that she's just trying out some new stuff, pushing the established boundaries a little (or a lot -- it's all a matter of perspective) to see what you're willing to do.

Using the passion of the moment to try new things may not always work, but it's less awkward than her coming up to you while you're getting ready for church on Sunday morning and saying "Hey honey, how would you feel about licking my asshole whilst unable to protest because I've tied you to the bed and climbed on top of you, effectively cutting off the vital supply of oxygen to your brain and forcing you to literally inhale, from my, chunks of that delicious pasta fagioli you made when your parents visited on Friday?"


It honestly doesn't sound like a mental health issue; it sounds like somehow your girlfriend had a new experience and loved it. Perhaps she saw a bondage film, read a suggestive piece of literature, did some research online, or even met someone with whom she had an 'experience'. I'm not trying to imply anything about your girlfriend, but you have been together for a very long time, and she might have gotten bored with your routine. Yes, perhaps you are going at it hot and heavy, but she might not be as good about communicating her desires to you as you assume she is. As another girl who has had a very hard time explaining what I want to my boyfriend, I would say that perhaps she was trying in the best way she knew to get you into her newest desire.

You might be grossed out by the fact she wanted you to do something sexual that also included her ***. So what? There are girls out there who are disgusted at the idea of putting a penis in their mouth. Everyone is different--perhaps you can sit down with her, explain calmly what you did and did not like about the experience, and suggest that you try new things at a slower and more forgiving pace. Do some research on methods of anal interaction, see if there's anything you're willing to try, and be as open-minded as possible. Also, suggest that she take a nice, warm, thorough bath and clean up very, very well next won't smell.

Good luck to both of you. It sounds like you love her very much, so don't give up, just open up the lines of communication a little more. I'm sure you two can find a middle ground and take even more pleasure in both your sex life and how well you understand each other.

Lady Izzy2009-05-28T14:26:52Z

You need to TALK to her. Ask her where the sudden change came from. Let her know that you were not comfortable with what took place - tell her your reactions to her actions. Your questions cannot be answered by anyone other than her.

If this had happened the other way around (with the man pushing the woman to do things she did not want to do, as she verbally protested against him) then this would quickly and easily be categorized as sexual assault or rape, even if the two people involved are a couple. That is essentially what happened in this situation, so you have to check in with your emotions about what happened, and talk to her about it. Try to figure out from her viewpoint where all this came from. Then you can make an informed decision about your next step.


i know this seems a bit strange but sometimes women that have played the same role for a long period of time, willingly or not, they feel the urge for a change. some change in small ways, and others go to extremes. it sounds to me like she felt the need for a difference in roles.

another cause may be that something happened that made her think about your relationship, whether it be good or bad. when in a serious relationship some people, not only need change, they may also desire excitement. if she feels that she is stuck in the same routine everyday, she may have an unspoken desire. for these types of things, it is often easier just to act on your emotions than to talk about them, which can get awkward, (im not saying that what she did wasnt) but now that some time has passed and she has most likely cooled down, it may be easier to talk to her an find out what is going on.

the best thing for you to do now is to calmly confront her and the situation.

best of luck.


Sorry that you felt abused (if that's the right word). Don't ever let her tie you up again! I think (basically) she just didn't know what she was doing (exactly). She (sort of) had it right, but she wasn't supposed to suffocate you, and make you uncomfortable, and make it unpleasant. Imagine it, if you can, done properly. When you are breathing. Things smell great. Music's on. Each of you are taking turns giving & getting pleasure. It was the first time. She made mistakes. It was awkward. Forget it. Try again. DIFFERENTLY. Your turn. Gently. Good Luck!

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