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I want to have myself made into a series of action crackers, where I am lightly frosted and perhaps pushing strangers into traffic, or watering plants.
revenginator ✘ is still alive
Pizza Hut peperoni? I think Jesus and Mary pretty much have the food market cornered when it comes to appearing on things. I don't want to piss Jesus off my encroaching on his territory, so I will go with the coins.
Peperoni. People would see it more than on a coin. lol Who doesn't want to eat their face anyways?
Well...I guess I would like my image on the face of a coin of some kind that some naked guy sat on just before he was going to die so that the undertaker would see a circle of my smiling face on some guys *** and say "Hmph!" I don't know. I guess that is it.
Maggie Babe
Considering that I dont really pay too much attention to the coins....I think the pepperoni would be much more interesting after a little peace pipe.