Why did I get a violation for this?

Why was I reported was a violation for simply answering this ?
By saying "strange"...because I found it strange his question would have been removed? What guideline that did break?


Please don't bother if you are going to waste my time posting links to your own questions.

Chεεrs [uk]2009-05-30T08:15:49Z

Favorite Answer

Simply saying 'strange' is not considered to be an answer that would benefit either the author of the question or the community as a whole, rather you posted a short comment that allowed you to collect a very quick two points. As such, you answer would have been reported and removed for chatting.

A simple mistake, next time try to put a bit more thought into your answers and all should be fine.

All the best


relax. I have been given one too for opposing the BNP; basically via posting a itemizing of all of the lawbreaking incidents of their officers/supporters. somebody else published a matching checklist immediately, so i'm happy if my 11 factors wakes up some human beings to what they are all approximately. i've got purely ever won 3 violations and function challenged 2 of them, without respond the two so do no longer carry your breath Sonia C.


I don't know, but it's been happening to me quite often, too. I will check my email and see that there was a violation and when I go back and check--I said nothing wrong. It used to make me mad, but now I ignore it and keep on answering. LOL! Dont' worry about it because you didn't say anything out the way. It shocks me that half of these questions on here don't get deleted anyway.

You may be right2009-05-30T08:16:14Z

It only takes 2 people to remove a question or answer

I keep saying, it should be 5 people, not 2 because any 2 kids at home can target questions and remove them for no reason, if you make it 5, it's going to be kind of hard for 5 friends to get together and remove questions.


Because you did not supply useful information to the question.
Your posting is considered gaming. typing anything just for the two points. If you do not have any knowledge to contribute then you pass on the questions. Comments alone are not permitted.

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