Spiritually speaking, r u spiritually speaking? Spiritually of course...or religiously speaking religiously?
Society & Culture > Religion & Spirituality
u know, spiritually speaking...
Society & Culture > Religion & Spirituality
u know, spiritually speaking...
Favorite Answer
Spiritually speaking....
Religion are just lessons and paths that will helps u too get to ur destination.
I have posted non- related questions here before. This is the section I have become comfortable with, I know the people here and enjoy their company. I don't want to hear from a bunch of strangers. I have received e-mails that are not in the friendly category, my response depends I usually answer , but if its just stupid I ignore it. When I surf for a question I am not compelled to answer any question I chose it and that person can do the same.
Religiously speaking religiously?
Auntie Christ «stuporstar»
When I speak out of my a$$, my a$$ is typically doing all of the talking...
I have a feeling that you might know *exactly* what I mean, all too well...
I hear the voice of a spirit that claims to be God™
I quote Him all the time. He say's, "You claim spirituality, tell me then..., in what ways are you like me?"
People don't like my god.