I wonder what the refs had for dinner?

And who bought em dinner.......hmmmmmmmm.


Oh come guys .....lighten up.
Probably the league paid for dinner...don't they usually pay all expenses for all refs.
I have been at the Joe and do you all know they actually have a police escort for the refs? I don't know if this is true for all teams........does anyone know?


Favorite Answer

prime rib bought by chuck norris. But in the end they ended up paying HIS tab and the wine for the 7 women he picked up at the restaurant.


Yes......Because apparently a paid for dinner is worth more than their careers. Get real folks! A bad call/ lack off a call is exactly that, NOT favoritism.


I cant believe they didn't call the high stick on holmstrom's ear


I'm with Joe


I see tonight is amateur hour..

I have no clue why I come to this site during a Finals game.

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