Okay, I love Sims 2!!! I have almost every one, but I really want the Sims 3! Is it a lot better than Sims 3? Do you have to buy more games for it like the Sims 2? And do they have good clothes and furniture? How much is it?
Favorite Answer
I just got and installed the Sims 3! I love both of them, I really haven't gotten to play the game but so far so good. The controls are different, instead of being able to drag your cursor where you want the camera to move to you have to click and drag, which frustrates me and will take time getting used too. The way things are organized are also different. But i really do think it is better.
There aren't any expansion packs so far, but there is the create a style which is amazing! You can match your shoes to your dress.And you can change the colors of about everything (i.e. bike, car, laptop, curtains on bed, clothes hair, makeup, walls, furniture, cabinets chairs dessers and more). I am sure that they will have more expansion packs because you aren't able to go to collage.
The clothes are good but the adult hair is laking styles, but when you buy the game you get a ten dollar cash card and then you can go on the sims 3 website and get some cooler hair. What I also like is you can add highlights and tip and root colors.
Right now the Sims 3 is $49.99 (including the cash card), this is what I have and reccomend, with the collectors eddition it is $59.99 and you get a car, USB stick and one other thing, but if you are going to get a game guide I highly reccomend that you get the regular Sims 3.
The game guide I reccomend is the collectors eddition, it is $20.00. This is not for the Collectors edditon game, you can have either.You get a map of Sunset valley, mouse pad, and a detailed description of the game. It is sold at Best buy, the link is below
Hello. I bought the sims 3 yesterday, and before that, I have been playing the sims2. The main difference between the 2 is that in the sims 3, the people look more realistic, and you can customize the color/pattern for everything. The cheats on the sims 2 still work for the sims 3 (I was so surprised). In the sims 3, the sims can actually leave their homes to travel in the outside world. I was rather disappointed, ot to sound picky or anyting. I paid 45 dollars (it was a discounted rate) for a game that was so similar to the sims 2 (which I got for free). The places,stores,theatres in the sims 3 aren't really 'accessible' and there are a couple of bugs. If you ever downloaded sims 2 custom content, there is little difference of the items from sims 2 to sims 3. The sims 3 clothing has gotten a bit better, but sims 2 custom content is still better (in my opinion). Do not buy the game just yet. They need to fix some bugs and discount the rate... Oh, and I heard they were gonna do expansion packs as well.
Sims 3 and Sims two appeared to me to be the same as each other, but i risked it and got the new one. In just one week of playing I have yet to even break the surface on whats new and yet I've found enough to write a book on. From what is new that I have noticed, here are my favorite additions/ improvements- 1) You get to pick the sims' traits rather than giving them tallies for clean, nice and such. Now you get to choose if they are good or evil. Athletic, coach potato, flirty, snob, lucky, handy, bookworm, artistic, insane and so many more that all affect how your sims act. An example is my sim is lucky, so on Tuesday and Saturday he has a Lucky Day. This makes hims happier and there is more of a chance something good will happen to him. There is so many combinations that it squashes the Sims 2 five traits. 2) WAY LESS LOADING!!! The Sims 2 on a brand new computer managed to take 5 minutes to load to a new place and made it more of a pain to go to the city. Now the game loads in half the time and it takes 30 seconds or less to load a home and it doesn't use a loading screen! 3) You pick the color of....everything and anything!!! It doesn't give you that many outfits, but you soon learn that you get to pick the design and the color or every detail of that outfit. This takes out the entire use of recoloring and having a million custom content outfits cramming the closet. But its not just clothes! Furniture and walls and tiles! everything! Even their skin tone is customizable. My favorite thing to customize is the hair. You pick the color, the tips the highlights and the roots so now you can actually make them look the way you want. I spent 2 hours just making my first sim just exploring what I could do.
If you like the Sims 2, its very similar in the base of the game. You make a sim, they go to work, have a family, the kids look like the parents, they have wants, a life want, yadda yadda, but once you get playing, its like a whole new game. For once if they do add more expansion packs to the sims 3, ill be perfectly happy with just the main one. I'm overly excited by the new things and the improvements to the game and recommend it to any Sim fan or computer game fan.
Well, It's quite different from Sims 2. You grow up with your whole town like you would in your actual community, Instead of just with your own family. Which is nice. I love the Sims 3, but I won't ever forget the Sims 2 which I have just about everyone. No, You don't need to buy any other games for Sims 3. Right now it's just Sims 3. I don't know if they are going to come out with Expansion packs or not. As of now, No other games are needed but the Sims 3 itself. Yes, they have pretty good clothes and furniture. You can customize any piece of clothing or furniture. Which is called Create-A-Style. The game it's self is about $50. The Collectors Edition is $70 So, If you don't need a USB port thingy, Don't get the collectors edition. Hope I helped! Have Fun!
I was having a problem trying to decide whether or not to buy the Sims 3. (Because of the price) in the end i bought it, and i don't think it was really worth my $50! I like the Sims 2 animation a lot better. With the sims 3 they said it would look more realistic and so on, and to me it doesn't. Although I really do like how in Sims 3 you can customize EVERYTHING. Including their clothes, hair, and furniture. Oh, it also seems to take longer to do things in the Sims 3, but that just might be my opinion. And the hairstyles aren't that great.