just a couple of months ago i noticed tiny hair all over my forehead. Right underneath my hair line is where it is noticable. does anyone know what mite have caused this? could it be the hair growth pills? i want thicker hair taht is why i am taking the pills but if it is the cause of the tiny hair should i not take it? i notice i have many acne on my forehead please help D:
Favorite Answer
wow . maybe its the hair growth pills. i suggest you do research about that pill and what it contains. you should stop taking these pills maybe what ever substance was in that pill ,that is causing the hair to grow on your fore head you probably have an allergic reaction. as for the pimples its probably horomones. sorry for what happened :(
It is totally normal! Everyone has hair EVERYWHERE on their body. Some may be so small you can't notice it, but it IS there. Especially on your forehead. We all have it. Now if it gets really hairy, like really noticeable, then I would stop with the pills. Then if you want thicker hair, then go to where ever you get your hair done, and they can actually thicken your hair with this little styling they do. Hope it works!