John Kerry caught as another Tax Cheat?

Why did John Kerry vow to close tax evader loopholes, when he himself is evading $800,000 in taxes? The IRS has filed a lien on him.

Why do we hear these Libs and their Diatribes and Sanctimonious speeches chastising tax evaders, when half of Obama's cabinet are known Tax cheats? Who knows how many haven't got caught yet?

Why are they such hypocrites? BTW, this news was released mere minutes ago, and hasn't hit all outlets yet. If you dont like the source, Google it yourself, you cant hide the truth...

Here Kerry is chastising tax cheats, LOL!

List of Obama tax cheats:


BTW Pluto, the tea parties are supporting a the Fair Tax, which eliminates all income taxes, and is a simple solution to the complex tax code, that even our politicians dont understand.


Pluto Rat, you say taxes are meant to be voluntary? Try running a business, you get behind on your taxes, they come after you like flies on crap, ask your friend Kerry.


Of course he's going to say its a "clerical error" you think he would admit it? Same excuse Turbo Tax Giethner used..


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Don't forget, the guy who writes the tax code, House Ways and Means Chair Charles Rangel (D-NY), is also a tax cheat.


This is a perfect example of why people in the middle are sick of both extremes. What Kerry did was not illegal or even unethical, but it was poor judgment for a person in his position. On the other hand to trump up that he "cheated" is inaccurate. Fortunately, most Americans think that both extremes are crazy.


To quote Joe Biden.."Time to step up John, Time to be Patriotic" LOL!

Sing it with me now people...

Just a gigolo
everywhere I go
people know the part
I'm playing

Paid for every dance
selling each romance
every night some heart

There will come a day
youth will pass away
then what will they say
about me

When the end comes I know
they'll say just a gigolo
as life goes on
without me

'Cause I aint got nobody
nobody nobody cares for me
I'm so sad and lonely
sad and lonely sad and lonely
Won't some sweet mama
come and take a chance with me
cause I aint so bad

Get along with me babe,
been singin love songs
All of the time
Even only be, honey only, only be
Bop bozadee bozadee bop zitty bop

I ain't got nobody 'cept love songs in love
Hummala bebhuhla zeebuhla boobuhla
hummala bebhuhla zeebuhla bop

I ain't got nobody, nobody,
nobody cares for me
Nobody , nobody
I'm so sad and lonely,
sad and lonely,
sad and lonely,
Won't some sweet mama come
and take a chance with me
cause I aint so bad

Get along with me babe,
been singin love songs
All of the time
Even only be, honey only, only be

> David Lee Roth


The Male Members (and women too) of the Global Elite Oligarchy do not expect themselves or each other to follow the rules once Established. That's for suckers. They only dislike it when one of Their Own is sloppy enough to get caught, because it makes things less smooth. Gives the game away, ya know. Follow the bloodlines, marriages, Titles, and money.


Why should Gold diggers pay taxes.Hell I still refuse to buy Heinz ketchup since he gets my money.I would love to see him do a perp walk.

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