Did you have any weird pregnancy cravings?

I'm 27 weeks with my 1st and all I crave is french fries and orange soda...nothing too weird.

Mommy 2 Ameera born 7/212009-06-07T15:19:16Z

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i am 35 almost 36 weeks pregnant, and in the beginning I craved Frosted Flakes and Bananas. Now I get strange impulse cravings like mixing orange juice and coke (looks like poop, but tasted so good). I also like bananas with peanut butter and nutella spread on it.


No -- nothing weird. With my first, I craved McDonalds french fries, ice cold water and fruit. My second was a little different, but still not weird: roast beef and mashed potatoes. Needless to say, I gained a little more weight with the second than I did with the first .... LOL!

I remember when I was 16, worked with a woman who was pregnant and she craved starch -- not potatoes and pasta, but actual starch, like in the box that you mix with water to use on your clothes before ironing. Yuck.


Yes. I also crave fries, i love them to be hot and salty even though sometimes no salt cause not good while pregnant, but i also crave those raspberry cream filling zingers, those spaghetti o's :) and lots of fruit lol


My last one I craved salsa, now I am craving jalepanos (not sure if I am yet), and my girlfriend craved and ate chalk....Yes Chalk! Nothing else would do the trick, not even tums....she ate white chalk. YUMM

ɷ ɹəɥʇɐəɥ ɷLogan born 8/18/092009-06-07T15:17:12Z

i am 27 weeks pregnant as well and i crave pickles, popcorn and kool aid along with spaghetti o's.

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