OK, so is it Gingrich-Palin 2012, or Palin-Gingrich 2012?

Discussion please. Regards, Larry.

Jamie Nineque2009-06-08T15:53:53Z

Favorite Answer

Gingrich is too stiff & too tainted already, even tho' he'd be great in either spot.
Be interesting if Palin can shake off the shroud of inexperience & stupidity the left's propaganda machine stuck on her.

I like either combo.


Gingrich and Palin would both be disasters for the Republican Party.

Gingrich, I can't imagine him actually running. He has a ton of negative stuff in his past which, if dug out and paraded across front pages on the Internet, would ruin him not just for politics but in his current incarnation as wise old pundit. Palin was very soundly rejected by her own party in 2008; she is Bush in a skirt.

If Gingrich and Palin (either order) are the best the GOP can do, it's in worse trouble than I thought. The only reason we're hearing about both of them is their name recognition. Both are trying to increase name recognition, which would help their careers whether they run in '12 or not.

Let's tell it like it is: The GOP has been severely damaged by Bush's (perceived) failures. It needs to work on 'rebranding', and the leaders of the party are currently having a huge struggle over which way to go. Palin and Gingrich represent the -worse- of the two paths, Michael Steele and Colin Powell represent the better path (if you ask me).

When this rebranding is complete, the party will have a new face. And my guess is that they will come up with some previously unknown candidate. Someone out of right field, someone you never heard of. The party leaders will pick him, line up all the money behind him, and from that point on he will be coronated in the media as the presumptive nominee, and they will treat all the other Republican candidates as 'also rans' from the beginning. Remember, this happened with both Bill Clinton and GW Bush.


Neither one of them could win the nomination. Facing so many GOP candidates and debating them and facing all of the press... I just don't think either one of them has a chance.

Palin could be offered the VP slot though by the winner of the nomination. Gingrich would not even get that nod. First of all, he is not all that well liked by his colleagues... but more importantly, his off the cuff moments come off spiteful and mean spirited and could threaten a presidential ticket. He would be a big liability for a ticket.

Personally, I doubt either of them will be picked for the VP slot... I mean afterall, polls showed in '08 that Palin lost a lot of moderate women's votes for the GOP (the very group that they picked her for targetting).

If the GOP was serious about winning in 2012 then they need to start thinking outside of the box. They need new blood that will appeal to moderates, women, and people of color. Both Newt and Palin turn off all of those groups... that's just a fact.


2012 will not be one for the Republicans to win, but one for BHO to lose - if he does well, the GOP has no chance, if his policies have left us with hyperinflation caused by massive overspending, the GOP has a chance to make him a one-termer. I don't think Palin is a "heavyweight" who adds to the ticket in either scenario, and will be a liability. Don't know off-hand how old Gingrich is, but he's probably past his prime.



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