what food do koreans eat for shiny hair?

when i watch korean drama (lol) i get so jealous of the actors and actresses they have such nice hair. So i was wondering what kind of food do korean people eat for healthy hair!!

thanks in advance =)


Favorite Answer

Koreans, or anything other nationality have different genes. The reason they have different coloured skin, and different shaped eyes is the same reason they have shinier hair.
Keep in mind that it's television. Actresses and Actors are MADE to look perfect for television.
Try a shine enhancing conditioner, and keep your hair away from too much heat (straighteners, hairdryer, a lot of sun) cause that will dull it down.


My hair is exactly the same as yours! It used to be really shiny but because I straighten my hair, it has become really dull. I'm not joking, an hour I used a home remedy to get my hair looking shiny and sleek - I used mayo. I know it sounds gross but it really works! My hair is wet at the moment so I cant tell if my hair is shiny but I can tell that my hair is super soft! So no need to fork out on expensive hair products, just head straight for the fridge! (: I will give you the instructions on how to do the mayo thing if you are interested: 1. Damp hair 2. add the mayo to your hair (doesn't matter how much you use, I used three spoon fulls) 3, put hair in a carrier bag 4. leave for 30 mins 5. wash out 6. shampoo and condition your hair as normal Good Luck! (:


i say you should eat something with lots of protein,fish is a good option,try having a fish dinner twice a week.Don't go oberboard on the fish however,because most types of fish have high mercury levels.Also try nuts,beans,legumes....just eat healthy in general! you'll feel good,not only with your hair,but with your skin and nails.Also try a hair smoothing serum for silky shiny hair.protect it from heat and condition it often.Those korean actresses may have nice hair,and you can too! :D good luck!


There's multiple of foods you can eat that's good and make your hair shiny. You can eat boiled eggs, they're good for the natural color of your hair and also to drink lots of water.
Fish is also really good, especially salmon.
And also try not to eat really greasy and fatty foods. :)



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