Should you be able to comment on other people's answers?

Sometimes when someone leaves an answer, I want to respond directly to their answer because I disagree or because I think it's a good answer, but I want to add something to it. So do you think you should be able to make a comment on other people's answers?


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That would be awesome! They will never do it though. Then this place would be like a forum.


When you ask a question and someone makes a comment, if you respond it is chatting, you can add details but not address an individual, even in the comment area when you choose best answer the same rules apply.You can see if they allow emails or im and contact them that way and if not then you can't. On the forum it is ask and answer questions only and anything that is not about the question is chat.

Sicilian Godmother2009-06-11T16:39:16Z

If you are talking about answers to your own question, you can always leave a comment for that answer by clicking on the little edit pencil and then choosing add detail. If you are talking about commenting on another answer to a question you are answering, first and foremost you MUST ANSWER THE QUESTION YOURSELF. Then you can give a quick comment like "I agree with so and so" or so and so is wrong" but you cannot go into any long winded statements on another answer. The best thing to do if you feel very strongly about someone's answer whether you agree with it or not is to e-mail that person if they allow e-mails.


No, i think of yahoo solutions is in basic terms too super community and if it allowed comments to be published on solutions, then specific solutions would get greater interest than the genuinely question which isn't good for the guy who had asked the question.


I think it would be useful, but also imagine the huge threads that would then ensue - I think it would make it a very messy layout. So I think I'm content just responding by writing "To _____:" or some other similar way when I feel the need to respond to a particular person.

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