Was the Obama "School-Note" event staged?

I'm just curious... it has gotten SO much play on CNN. It just seems soooooooo HOKEY (yet admittedly cute), I have this creepy feeling that someone from the President's staff set this up !!

The lines are so glib and quickly and smoothly delivered !!

http://www.cnn.com/video/#/politics It's under "Obama Pardon's 4th Grader"


Slow news day, or a nice way to deflect the fall out from the Anti-Tobacco Bill ?

Welcome to the Socialist States of America !!


Amiee... I'm NOT opposed to Obama... just noting how SLICK this even was.


HEY, my thought was just is this staged like the Democrats claimed that FOOL "Joe the Plumber" was staged.


Favorite Answer

Its got to be staged....WAG THE DOG. Too smooth. Obama is a smooth talker, but no one is that good.


Is this a slow news day or something?

wendy c2009-06-12T11:20:30Z

Being a cynic does not mean that you are correct.
Being a parent, I would think it is great to have my child have the chance to see a Presidential speech. Nothing needs to be "staged" there.
Obama was sharp on the uptake, and there is nothing wrong with that.
How about.. it just happened? Surely you have enough real issues with Obama to keep you happy.

memphis belle2009-06-13T15:27:44Z

Quite honestly, I do not really think so...but then what does it truly matter? It exemplifies that he genuinely is concerned about the student's absence from school........It shows true character, to me. Unlike other Presidents of the past, he is truly respectful, caring, and intelligent!

Right-wing nutjob2009-06-12T11:30:23Z

I remember one a while back, sorry libbies I don't have a source, where at one of the townhall PR events he gave a woman who was homeless and living in her car a house. These things, like you said, seem a little too good, wholesome, and cutesy. Like "awwww, look at that". That's my major problem with him and this whole administration. There are real pressing issues to be dealt with out there yet they focus on the celebrity aspect of Obama more than the president.

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