do report monkeys share a common ancestor with pond slime?

or is that an insult to pond slime?

Jabber wock2009-06-12T12:42:12Z

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I doubt it - pond slime have already evolved to occupy and fulfil a valid ecological niche. However, it can't be ruled out - maybe some distant ancestor was effected by a local toxic and radioactive source, thereby they evolved into a ghastly mutant form beyond even the imagination of teenage death-metal artists.


Pond slime was in era of well developed Central nervous system, when Report Monkeys came along, able to use one or two neurons at time
You have gravely insulted the Pond slime here, my dear


Report monkeys ARE the ancestor of pond slime.


No, it's the atheist who claims a common ancestor with the pond slime, and yes, it IS an insult to the pond slime.


No report monkeys are more like a cancer or tumor.
A malignant growth caused by an imbalance in nature.

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