Im 37wks, 1cm dilated, 50% effaced and at -3 station and my Dr stripped my membranes a bit today as well. I also had protein show up in my urine test today, so theyre having me do a 24hr collection. Should i start getting things ready faster? Or is this a normal thing to do when there is protein in the urine? Any mommies had any experience with this? Im also Group strep b +.
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The Group B strep being positive is not a big deal. When you go into labor, just be sure you tell your nurse that it was positive and she will start an IV of anti biotics and that will keep baby safe during delivery.
With Protien in the Urine, it is Standard procedure to do a 24 hour Collection. You are 37 weeks, that is considered full I would no concern myself with that to much either.
Having your membranes stripped or disrupted though...I would pack my bags and be ready. Many women go into labor 24-48 hours after having this done, while others may not go into labor for a week or better.
Good luck to you, you are right at the finish line! Congradulations!
I am also strep b+, but that really doesnt change anything other than the fact that you will have an IV with antibiotics while you are in labor, thats it. Its just a bacteria that about 40% of women have. But yes, I would make sure everything is ready for the hospital being that they starting stripping your membranes. That just helps you go into labor faster. Kinda like a way of breaking your water without actually breaking it. So now its just the waiting game and wondering when the little one will appear. make sure its all ready just in case... lucky yoU!
When I had my membrane stripped at 37 weeks, I went into labor that night. Protein in your urine is a sign of pre-eclampsia. It CAN be dangerous for the both of you if left untreated. I wouldn't worry though. AT 37 weeks you are free to go into labor ANYTIME, so they will just push it along cause once the baby is born, the pre-eclampsia will go away.
Take my word for it...I had pre-eclampsia with my 1st. Since they know you're showing signs,they will just keep an eye on you that's all at this point
I had my membranes stripped at 41 weeks when I was 50% effaced and 1 cm dilated. I went into labor a few hours later... so YES get your stuff ready! :) Best of luck with labor and delivery and congratulations!
i had my first sweep at 38 weeks i became into 2 cm dilated and in well-being facility with pre-eclampsia yet no longer something occurred so as that they sent me domicile, i had my 2d sweep at 6 days previous due and it worked as some hours later i went into labour. im fantastically advantageous i did have greater in the past labour began particularly in the final days so i knew something became into going to happen. if the sweep doesnt inspire labour ask for yet another in each and every week or 2 and it would get issues moving. good success no longer long now.