Just a Random question.......?????

In case you missed the small question in all my rambling. Does anyone else get that feeling? Or ever feel this way?


So tonight the night time routine was a little different and I just feel off but my little girl is fine. She is almost 4 months. I usually change her into her pjs then nurse, then we rock for a bit while she falls asleep. I then put her to bed. Well i did the first part then my husband (her daddy) took her to hold her. He wanted to rock her to sleep. We have a dairy farm and he is usually eating supper while she is falling asleep because he gets in the house so late. However things went different tonight and he was able to hold her at this time. I think it is great he wants to do special things with her. However I missed getting to rock her to sleep and the special time together. I was just wondering if this happens to any other moms out there. I am very grateful for my husband and him wanting to be there for his daughter. But it pings my heart a little to not rock her to sleep and have the last moments before bed with her. And 2 hours later I can still feel it.


It switched the added details and the question. So whatever...messed up computer stuff. I saw this happen on another post.


Favorite Answer

I am the SAME way! If my husband rocks our son to sleep I feel like Im lost. I love that he wants to do it, but I feel like thats our time. My husband is in the military and the first 9 months of our sons life he lived in California and we were in ohio so I always had that time. Now we are all together and sometimes my hubby will do it. Dont worry, let him do it a couple times and youll feel a little better about it.


That is so normal! Even after our 3rd child, I still feel that way with our babies in particular. It's like when you put them to bed for the night and you miss them shortly thereafter? I feel that way when our 2 year old is tucked away for the night.

If your baby gets up in the middle of the night, "steal" your time then! But, I can bet daddy needed that time tonight.


i know its hard letting go a little bit but trust me you are going to want a break now and then even a bed time. Cuz if you don't let someone else do those things, then the child will become very attached to you and you'll be the one that has to do everything all the time and then you'll never have a break, you won't be able to go out and do things espeicaly at night because you'll have to be the one putting the child to bed. So try injoying watching someone else do it i know its hard but you'll thank me in the end.

just wondering2009-06-13T03:21:32Z

i do all the time. my husband works late too. and i don't want to share the baby either. the baby needs daddy time too. and im sure he'll let you do the 3 am rocking and feeding. haha!


I wish!!!

It's me and only me for my son. lol

I think it's awesome that your husband wanted to rock her to sleep. I have always been the one to put my babies to sleep but now he does put our twin 2 year old girls to bed most of the time.

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