Who is your bosses boss? Do they keep your boss from becoming too outrageous with ideas?

If you were the second in command and you KNEW things were being hidden from your bosses boss... would you be a whistle blower... or go silently in the night and allow your boss to carry on without you?


Favorite Answer

My bosses boss is a Jewish carpenter, he keeps her in line pretty well and I've never had a problem with her. We get along great, and I know I can talk to her about anything- even if she happens to be the problem.

to answer your question: You should talk to your boss about the issue first, unless they are the type that won't listen and/or you are really not close at all and might risk losing your job by bringing it up. If nothing is change/fixed or you do not feel you can talk to your boss, bring the issue to their boss, unless it is little that does no harm to the business or you.

Xena Warrior Princess2009-06-14T19:07:10Z

It depends on how I'm being treated in the process..

If my boss is a di*k, then I'd grab him by the balls by going to his boss about all the sh*t he's doing..