R&P Poll: name a song that you have never heard on the radio?

‘ello my R&P family… the subject of today’s question is my anger at record companies and large conglomerate owned radio stations.. As many of you know many videos have either had their embedding removed or have been pulled by record companies all together in a dispute over $$$.

YouTube is a very important tool for many of us to discover new music since radio stations today have become even more sterile and boring. If it weren’t for a satellite radio that I have to pay a fee for I wouldn’t be able to listen to the radio at all.. its just too painful and dull…

Anyways, this leads me to my question of the day…

If you agree that radio today does not give many quality artists an opportunity to be heard
Please name a song that you love that you have NEVER heard on the radio…

This song and video sums up how I feel.. and yes.. it was pulled from You Tube
Korn - Yall Want A Single

I rarely ask people to star my questions but if you would be so kind I’d appreciate it
I’m trying to make a point here and I’d like this question to be seen

Thank You!


Thank you everyone for your help in building a 50+ answer question in todays R&P...

Some of you... such as Radio Waves,Darth,Simone,Doug,Kristy,ATS,Ron-Johns, Ms. Penny Lane, David Brent, Detroiter and Bi@ for helping and writing such thoughtful answers and to everyone who gave a star or left a couple of songs...



Favorite Answer

I'm sad to hear about your lost jukebox... if I see it around, you'll be the first to know.

One of the most compelling arguments (for me) Napster made when the RIAA came after them regarding the illegal sharing of music on the internet was that corporate radio had killed it as a music discovery device. Instead, the corporate structure only allowed for the same, safe things to be played on there. Ad money became the only reason for owning and operating a radio station. Which is why the same song -- "Sex and Candy" -- that would air on weekends during high school on alt rock stations can still be heard on weekends on Modern Corporate Rock Radio.

Its why when a new Justin Timberlake song premieres, you can hear it every 15 minutes.

This is the new structure of radio. Everyone knows Justin Timberlake. No one is offended by Justin Timberlake. play it again, DJ. He makes funny viral videos and safe Michael Jackson-esque pop..... play him to death, DJ.

Napster stated that in this climate -- they could be the new radio. The RIAA would just need to find a way to capitalize on it. The problem being that -- Napster was more like pirate radio. Millions of users, none of them having a license to be sharing these songs over broadband cables. The likening breaks down pretty quickly for a record exec because its "new". They like their old model.... the old model got them their marble desk, their huge office over looking the city, and their beautiful wife. This new model means change. It means coming up with a new model, and it also means not knowing where your money is going to be coming for right away.

This inability to change is killing record companies slowly. There are books written on the subject (one just came out this summer, that I hope to pick up in the next month or so acting as an oral history of the music industry from the death of disco night to today).

Its hard to say whether Napster's argument works because, well..... when they got complicit, everyone stopped caring about Napster. Seriously, does anyone here actually use Napster?


anyone at all?

iTunes doesn't seem much better. I've only bought a couple of jazz albums through there, which probably accounts for a good amount of the jazz albums ever sold on iTunes. Ornette Coleman's popularity spiked that week 4 summers ago when I bought three of his albums via iTunes.

Someone needs to come up with a new model... could be me, could be you.... but for now, we're stuck with what we've got.

I have no issues with embedding being disabled on some songs.... them being torn down completely is more bothersome. Recent news regarding the banding together of the RIAA to form a beast that would force ISPs to add a licensing fee to your internet connection. This is regardless of whether you actually share any music files over the internet. The idea being that you do.... everyone does... we're all guilty, dirty, filthy mongrels. If you pay this fee... they don't come down on you. No litigation. Here's your $20 a month get out of jail free card.

Here's a link:
they fight for your internet civil rights (which may not exist.... thanks founding fathers for all your foresight, but all the foresight in the world never could have had you envision the internet).



I never heard this on the radio -- could have made a radio station outside of my clear channel owned airwaves.
It has a great pop hook, a nice progression, and could have had some legs (in my opinion) if someone had given it a chance.

I blew Simone's mind... and then I didn't.... maybe it was just a dream


I've actually never much punk songs on the radio until last Saturday
I've never heard Velvet Revolver, Audioslave, The Strokes, a lot of not very popular grunge bands, Soundgarden, non-emo AFI, songs by Alice in Chains that isn't Man in the Box, any type of metal heavier than Enter Sandman by Metallica, and a lot of other artist before on the radio.

It really sucks that they don't play a lot of bands. It sucks even more that they sometimes don't even have the songs on YouTube. Seriously, how do record companies expect people to discover or appreciate their artists without being able to hear their songs? At least independent labels are smart enough to give their artists some light and sometimes even free downloadable full sample. There's actually some bands that I gave up on because I'm never able to hear their music unless I buy the album, but the problem is that I don't know if I like the album or not so I just say no to it. On the other hand, I feel like the independent bands are nice enough to give me free music that I end up buying something from them.

Nowadays, the only ways to discover new good artist are through Guitar Hero and Rock Band, friends, looking at bands signed onto independent labels, watching music videos on Yahoo!Music (I used to do that before quality started to go lower), custom radio stations of Yahoo!Music that had unlimited skips (the quality was bad anyways and now they took it away), and barely any more things because it's so limited now. To me, it's not worth it paying radio fees or to just listen to a song I know that I'm going to get bored really soon. The best thing to do is to have music to be cheaper (or at least downloads to be cheaper), not let people be able to rip audio off of YouTube and such (not like it's ever in good quality anyways), stricter watching of file sharing programs (which will also lower the amount of mislabeling of songs), and have streaming of songs be free.

Also, there's a bill by the congress that there should be tax on the radio on performance of music to the public, which will make some stations not be able to survive (leaving pretty much only KROQ in the LA area). I'm going to try to find the petition right now or when they talk about it on the radio. It takes them so long to talk about it's so hard to find on the internet. Even half an hour later, it's not working out.

It's been a whole hour, but they're playing Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden for once. They still haven't talked about it. One and a half hours and still no. Awh! I give up! I'll try to post a question about it when I find out.

I found it

Nightlife Commando2009-06-18T06:35:47Z

That is SO true, my friend.
The radio is only really playing music for the popular artists who have tons of money! I say we let the radio be used for the smaller bands, who are still getting big. Instead we play the same sounding music from artists we've all heard enough of.

So I'm gonna pick a song that I really like, that most likely will never be played on the radio :P Partly because of what I said up there, and partly because not that many people like this type of music.
Cauldron - "Chained Up In Chains"

Oh and by the way I starred. And answered (duh :P)


i don't care how old this is but i have NEVER heard any song from a video game on the radio! i haevn't even heard songs from classic disney movies on the radio so i have to rely on online radio to hear them! the only songs on the radio r ones by popular singers that the record labels pay the stations to play im so sick of the same 5 songs in a row we need more variety & diversity with music on the radio! we need a non-online radio station dedicated to video games & classic disney music from everything up to the 90's im thinking like radio disney but only for old disney songs but it will never happen! people would rather hear the same old over-rated & popular top 40 songs! i will admit i do like some of the top 40 songs but we need more variety it sucks! this is why online radio exists!

Ms Penny Lane is In My Tree2009-06-16T21:38:08Z

I'm with you let's start the revolution...and yet radio stations wonder why they are beginning to be a sort of "dieing breed." They are told by the top what to play and the people at the top are told by the record companies what to play. It's really sad that something that used to be an "art form" is dead. The day's of the DJ doesn't exist anymore. Sadly this leaves great music left unplayed. Unless it's "top 40" (and we all know what top 40 consist of) it doesn't get any air time. I can't think of a song off the top of my head, but here is a link to the website of my favorite DJ's http://www.981themax.com/goout.asp?u=http://www.drakezeke.com/ These guys are from the "old school" and they know how music should be played and what actual music sounds like.

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