why can't my husband leave his ex-wife alone?

My husband and I have been married for almost two years, and we have a two year old daughter.

Before we got together, my husband was married for three years to another woman that he met in high school. they got married when they were about 18 or something...Supposedly, their relationship was really bad or whatever, he said she had a lot of mental problems so they split up in 05 and I met him about six months later.

They divorced in late 2006 (after I found out that I was pregnant) and only after I took out a loan at the bank to retain an attorney for him. I had to push him to file.

I found out about three months after they divorced in 07 that he had seen her when he was in their hometown for drill, and I found out they were talking as well. I told him that I didn't want him having contact with her anymore. So, he called her, said that he didn't want to hear from her again, and we went on with our lives. Our child was born a few months later, and things were quiet. My husband is a wonderful father to our daughter and spoils her rotten.

Then in March of 08, I noticed her number on our phone bill numerous times and confronted him. he admitted they had been talking again for a few months. I even called her during that time, demanding to know why they keep talking, and she just said "they understand each other" and nothing inappropriate was going on. She even begged me not to kick him out over this, because nothing had happened. she even told me that although she loves him, she's not in love with him, they just talk to each other because they understand each other. I accused them of being in love with one another and they both denied it. I also foudn out at that time that when he saw her in 07 that they had slept together.I told my husband that it was either me or her, and he once again called her and said that there would be no further contact between them again.

They cut off contact and he left for Iraq shortly after that and everything was fine after that. He came back in December, and things continued as normal. I still have issues with the ex-wife, I swear he's still in love with her, but both he and the ex-wife have said (in the past) that it's not possible.

Last month, I noticed a strange number on our phone bill again, so I called the number- and it was the ex-wife! I asked her why she won't leave my husband alone, and she told me that it's not just her contacting him, he's contacting her as well. She went on to say that their conversations were none of my business, but it was just that -innocent conversation- and not to contact her again.

He says they aren't talking again, but I got into his email the other day and I saw an old email from last month in which she called me paranoid, and now she expects for another year to go by without contact because she's waiting for that inevitable "I don't want you in my life" email from him.

His reply to her was "like I said, it's best we not talk for awhile, but that email you referred to isn't going to come."

I found her boyfriend on facebook and told him they were talking again, and he said he knows, she had told him and made sure he was fine with it before she even responded to him, which leads me to believe he's contacting her, not the other way around as he's led me to believe. I know they arent sleeping together either, she lives 5 or 6 hours away in another city.

Why won't my husband leave her alone? Even the ex-wife had told me a year ago when I called her that there's no way he's still in love with her, and even he's told me he's not in love with her... but if he's not in love with her, then why can't he let her go? Why does my husband still need to talk to her? Why can't he give her up?! I am at my wits end and I'm pretty much through with him unless something changes. Advice please!!!!!


what history? they got married out of high school, they had a baby but gave it up for adoption because they felt like they were too young to be parents, but that's it. even my husband says that as far as he's concerned our child is his only child. they were together for just three or four years, and if it ended so badly then why the hell do they still talk..it doesn't make sense


yes, she was his first love, and took his virginity

THX 11382009-06-17T04:51:38Z

Favorite Answer

Well, I hate to break the news to you but your husband is a cheat.

His first wife kicked him out because he was cheating on her (with you) and now he is cheating on you with her.

I don't know who is more gullible (or man stupid), you or his ex.

You need to jerk a knot in his tail and put him on a very short leash.


Trouble is that he is drawn to her based on how their relationship ended. I was cheated on by a previous girlfriend and it was very difficult to get over and move on from her emotionally. She would call and continue to try and drag me back to her. He needs to stop all contact with her that isn't directly related to their child. This is the toughest part of dealing with an ex-spouse. They will still have to contact each other, but if it isn't open and strictly about parenting their child then it may be time to move on. I am in a similar situation with four kids together and a wife that has found a new shiny toy somewhere else to talk to. It is tough, but I think that you should nag and pressure him. Don't back down from it. Either he wants you or he wants her, it doesn't get to keep you in the side just in case the other doesn't work out.

Nothing Personal [Chez]2009-06-17T05:18:41Z

Ok if they gave up a child together, they have that in common. Only the 2 of them understand what they went through.

You have a major trust issue, and rightly so if he says he'll end contact but then goes back on his word. You cannot force him to end contact, he has to decide that himself or you're just going to drive him away and drive yourself insane. If her partner can understand their friendship, maybe you should try too. If you had full trust in your husband, this would not be an issue. Then again, as your husband he should do anything in his power to keep his family. The past is the past but maybe he seeks some comfort from her that he cannot seek elsewhere, giving up that child will forever play on their minds no matter how much they might deny it, and they may feel they only have eachother who understand.

If you think he's cheating on you, you don't trust him and any relationship without trust is not a healthy one. Maybe come to a compromise, say you don't mind them speaking but you would like him to let you know when he's calling her, no more secrets. Ask if he would be willing to let you see the phone bill without being sneaky about it.

Monitor it from there, and in time you'll be able to let it slide and all this tension and paranoia will fade because he will not be hiding anything and you'll have no need to feel the way you do now. If he has a problem with you checking, he obviously has something to hide.

I fully understand your situation, but I'm not very good with words so I hope you follow what I mean. I know in your heart you'd love that chapter of his life to be over, but your daughter has a biological sibling out there and so long as that's true your husband and his ex will always have that bond no matter how badly it ended.

I wish your family the very best, good luck :)


Because he doesn't want to. Because he doesn't have to. He doesn't care if you get upset because he'll just tell you it won't happen again, his email to her says it will.

He cheated on you with this woman after you were together. And you took him back like no big deal. So he thinks what's the big deal now? Lying to you like he already has, so what? Just telling you what you want to hear, until you find out the truth, then make something else up.

He divorced her only because you forced him to. He married you only because you were pregnant. He knows he can keep her on the back burner just in case. How they "understand each other" when she supposedly has all these mental problems - doesn't that make you wonder? What are they saying, that you and he don't understand each other? Well, you don't understand this, for sure, and who in their right mind would?

It doesn't make sense because of his lies. You are the woman for right now, that's all. He isn't committed to you, or he would do whatever he could to make you happy, to make up for cheating on you, instead he justs rubs salt in the wound and you are the crazy one. Pay no attention to the people here who say you're paranoid and to leave it alone, accept it. Why would you do that when you are faithful and honest to him, but he doesn't give you that in return? When it should be a given that he would? Don't you deserve the same respect and honor as his wife that you give him as your husband?

I would file for divorce and tell him he can have his mentally ill ex-wife since he refuses to leave her alone. He's obviously willing to risk losing you, his child, and his marriage, for her.


I sorry to hear that you have been going thru this roller coaster relationship but you had the chance to walk away from him prior to forcing him to divorce someone he is still in love with. They have a bond that you will never be able to break. The hand writing was on wall when someone has to convince another to make a major decision in their lives, it sounds as if your loving husband is plyable. He will bind when its needed but you don't have his heart, I'm sorry to say. You started something that he isn't and won't ever walk away from. Now your daughter is in the middle of it all. You will either accept him being in love and still attached to him or walk away from him. A marriage is one man, one woman and the family they start. He will never leave his ex-wife alone, make up your mind and do something about it. But know this, if you force him, which way do you thing he will go? It pays to pay closer attention before getting married. Having a child doesn't always mean getting married to that person is best. You must have seen the sign prior to the wedding now you have been bought into a very strange relationship and again, your little girl will suffer the most. Keep the ex-wife and the bond that she has with your husband or walk away. He never will, he will hooked on her emtionally and it is sad that he doesn't have the special place in his heart for the woman he is now married to. No one can break this but him and he doesn't want to.

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