Does anyone know anything about the procedure called "EsophyX"?


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Normally the stomach contents are retained in the stomach by a valve called the Lower Esophageal Sphincter or LES for short. This valve opens to allow food to pass into the stomach when swallowing, and then closes to prevent the contents from re-entering the esophagus.

Surgical treatment has long been known to be a more permanent and effective treatment for GERD, with the most common surgical treatment being Nissen Fundoplication.

This brings us to the latest technology EsophyX the newest and most effective treatment for GERD. This pioneering new system developed by Endogastric Solutions Inc.uses trans-oral endoscopy techniques. Thus the instruments are passed through the mouth to the stomach using an endoscope

This clever device allows Gastroenterologists and Surgeons to mold what is essentially a new valve using a small section of the stomach tissue. The procedure is performed under general anaesthetic but involves no surgery.


Back in the sixties there was a big competition between the USA and the USSR in field and track. They were the only contestants. At the end America won and all Americans were proud. The Socialist told there people that while they had fought hard and managed a second place the Americans came in next to last. True story! That's how I learned the meaning of propaganda. I see a lot of these distortions here.

gangadharan nair2009-06-17T10:39:18Z

The EsophyX� device is a sterile, single-use device for performing endoluminal fundoplication procedures (ELF) for tissue reconfiguration for the creation of gastroesophageal valves and reduction of hiatal hernias, in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Please see Google search for more details on EsophyX.(TM)