Could someone help me identify a saint?

I was at a Catholic wedding recently and there was a statue of a saint. It was a woman holding a cup, holding what looked like a bundle of wheat in her other hand, wearing a cloak, and possibly a very small crown or tiara (although it might have been a halo and that was the only way they could depict it on the statue).


Unfortunately, the name of the church doesn't help, as it was All Saints Church. She was behind all of the pews, facing the altar.

I was thinking Saint Lucy; she's the closest I've gotten so far.


Saint Brigit also appears to be a very strong candidate.


Favorite Answer

Was it Saint Lucy, Picture here :


The Virgin Mother of Jesus is St. Mary is wearing a blue gown and she is sometimes depicted wearing a tiara or crown. On the opposite side of the church was there a statue of a man wearing a brown cloak and had a short beard, that would be St. Joseph he is the Step Father of Jesus.


I'm afraid that's not enough to go on. Do you recall where in the church it was? Often the patron saint is depicted on the right hand side of the altar just inside the communion rail. Do you remember the name of the church? It honestly sounds like it could have been St. Brigit, but it would be dozens of others to. More information is needed as far as I am concerned.


LOL @ the link for St. Bridget:

"A beautiful young maiden who was so horrified at the thought that a man might fancy her that she prayed for ugliness. Zap! Suddenly she was hideous. Her father took one look and packed her off to the first nunnery. She was of course delighted — even when God rewarded her piety by making her beautiful again."

Aww the horrors of men fancing beautiful maidens! The nunnery is much better than that. LOL


Sylvia Saint!

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