How did you lose your pregnancy weight after giving birth?


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first thing is not to loose patience as with baby sometime u may not find time for yourself,so keep doing even if you not finding results now.b'coz sometime it may take longer as in my case it took 2 years and now i can easily fit in my old clothes take time to do little exercise do not push yourself to die and eat healthy.remember do not starve as this stage u need lot of energy to look after u r Little one.take it easy.balanced diet and exercises like walking (u may take ur little one out in the pram,he'll enjoy too) or simply rope skipping or stomach cruncher if ur body allows u,dancing,be active like use stairs rather than escalator when u go out,walk fast than ur normal ,can do little running in house say just a quick run to pick up bottle or grabbing a nappy rather tthan a small walk etc.just little changes in life style

if u don't mid drink luke warm water with few lemon drops and lemon empty stomach,also luke warm water once u finish meal.
over the day drink atleast 2 ltr waters.

this will give u fresh look and also helps in dieting as u consume less food.


Personally, when I went back to work I took the stairs several times a day every day and I lost all but about 5 pounds of my extra weight before I left my job. since then my husband and I started walking three miles around a lake by our home two to three times a week for a while and that took care of the rest. It took me less than a year to lose most of it, but it can be different for everyone.

Nursing Student:)2009-06-18T16:46:19Z

i gained 67lbs throughout my pregnancy
i lost 19 by the time i left hospital(2 days after giving birth)
and all together i have lost 42lbs..i still have 25 to go. Its hard and i have to admit, that i havent really tried to lose thats y i still havent lost the weight:)
im a mommy-i dont have to be perfect..


Stop counting you re not going to be lose weight overnight Just concentrate on diet and exercise



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