Does Poland Spring deliver water to the Moon?
We're going to need potable water for drinking, cooking and washing. Do any of the bottled spring water companies deliver to the Moon yet?
We're going to need potable water for drinking, cooking and washing. Do any of the bottled spring water companies deliver to the Moon yet?
Flash Gordon
Favorite Answer
Not yet, but if you get thirsty, there's a couple of cases of Sam Adams Utopias encased in permafrost at the lunar south pole. The quest is on for the map which contains the exact latitude and logitudinal location.
You might need a Super Pulsed Fiber Laser like the Photonics IPG to break up the regolith. Right now it looks like a ghost town, but a couple of watering holes are slated.
If just 1% of the Earth's population migrated to the moon and popped open a couple of beers everyday, they'd release tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. In fact, all fermentation processes like wine making will release CO2. Fill some lunar craters with water, Coccolithophores, iron sulfate and seaweed, and you'll have tons of OXYGEN to boot.
I believe that Poland Spring, Arrowhead, Crystal Geyser, Evian (which is 'naive' spelled backwards), and a few others are bidding for an exclusive Government contract on that.
Yes, they all do. They all go directly into the Shell Oil Rig on the far side of the moon. They are drilling for fossil fuels there because the moon is a rich source of fossils.........
No, but the do deliver water in tablet form. Just add water.
lol at Daniel