Going in for an NST again today. I went in last friday, and they measured my amniotic fluid and noted that it was a bit low, a 6 i think. So they moved up this weeks NST to today and said that if my levels haven't raised they would most likely induce me. Im 38w4ds and so ready to see my daughter. Just getting kinda nervous because I've heard and seen some friends go through an induced labor, and i can tell it hurts more than natural labor. I will be having the light epidural. I was just wondering what other mommies have gone through with induced labors as opposed to just naturally going into labor. Thanks
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I was induced at 38 weeks exactly because of blood pressure issues and a large baby. They told me if I went full term he would be over ten pounds.
The Cervadil insertion was quite painful to me, but I have heard other women say it wasn't bad. I think maybe my nurse just didn't really know what she was doing.
They started Pitocin about 12 hours after the Cervadil and that was rough. They doubled the dosage every 15 minutes until I was getting max dose. Contractions were strong and 4-5 minutes apart for like 3 hours. When Dr. checked me at lunch, I wasn't anymore dialated than I was before the Pitocin.
Long story made short- the induction didn't work for me. I never got past 1 cm and 70% effaced. So, I couldn't even have an epidural and I desperately wanted one. Ended up having a c-section which is not what I really wanted, but it was best for me and my little boy. The c-section was not emergency, and as soon as we made the decision to have it, they took the pitocin off. My contractions stopped within 15-20 minutes after.
Hey there I'm not a mommy but my fiance had an induced labor. From what she told me and what she was told it can be more painful than natural child birth. But she was crazy she was done in bout half an hour. Is this your first? If so then you'll never know what to expect. All I can say that might help your worry...just breathe big breaths, take the epidural. It'll be over before you know it and having a child is such a beautiful thing. Good Luck :)
I had pitocin with both deliveries. Which is what they give you to induce you.
With my first, I was totally induced. Went in, had a Cervadil tablet inserted, actually they did this three times over twelve hours, to ripen the cervix. Then they started me on the pitocin.
With my second, my water sprung a leak, and then they put me on pitocin to make sure things stayed on track.
So I never had a pitocin free deliver, what I can tell you is I don't think being induced hurts "more". I mean contractions are contractions pain is pain.
The contractions with pitocin may be more intense, or more on top of each other. Like one after another.
You can always get heavy epidural, or other types of pain meds if you find the pain too overwhelming.
Congratulations, and Relax, very soon you will have your little girl.
try not to let what you have heard get you worried,my first son was suppose to be induced but that same day i started getting the contractions before i got to the hospital,my second son had to be induced the contractions started kicking in pretty fast and strong but once i got the epidural it was pain free,what people probably mean when they say it hurts more its just because the contractions do come quicker and get stronger fast but i think its just about the same as natural birth,maybe the only difference is that with natural birth the contractions increase slowly rather than when you get induced they just come out of no where but it should be the same pain
2 on the hip growing way 2 fast!2009-06-22T09:11:36Z
I was induced, it was nothing. I had the epidural and didn't feel a thing. Ask them to give you the epidural at the same time they start inducing you. We all were laughing and joking around even while I was pushing lol. It only took 10 pushes in 30 mins to get her out. It's not bad at all.