Best WYSIWYG Website Design Software/Programs? Please read following Details.?
I asked a question similar to this last night and wanted to re-phrase it a bit and hope for a different answer.
I am looking to build a website that has a Flash Intro page and elements within the site such as Drop Down Menu's, etc. Most WYSIWYG programs I have found do very little or no Flash Intro Pages, Drop Down Menu's etc.
Is there an all-inclusive WYSIWYG Program out there the does everything I am looking for? If not, what would I need to do to accomplish a Flash Intro page. I have not learned Flash and don't really have the time right now or the major dollars to spend on Adobe Programs. That is why I am looking for WYSIWYG Design Software.
Any recommendations?? Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated. By the way, I am looking for more than a program that just allows you to input text and change colors such as A4 Desk Pro, I need more flexibility than that.
To Merlin76: Thanks for nothing buddy! The simple answer was to not answer at all. What an ***!
just "JR"2009-06-24T07:19:39Z
Favorite Answer
Very first note: a Flash Intro Home page has become "Mistake number ONE in web design": it costs you instantly 80% of visitors who will hit the back button as soon as they see the word "Loading..." (Mistake number two is "muzac" - unless you are a radio station). Second problem with Flash: it is exclusive to Macromedia, does not accept any other format than their own, and is incompatible between versions, which makes it unreliable when seen...
No, there are no full inclusive package, apart from some package from Macromedia. Not cheap, not efficient and hard to learn: it takes less time to learn to code than to learn these programs.
Conclusion: you are on the wrong track. If you want total flexibity, use notepad++ and start coding!
Flash is relatively WYSIWYG when you first start. You simply add a keyframe, make a symbol, go down the timeline a little bit, add another keyframe, then do something to the symbol and tell flash to animate between the keys (tweening). Anything from fades to shape transformations are relatively simple and now there are plenty of motion presets available in CS4 (ease in, spring, etc.). Don't believe the other guy about code being easier unless you have a background in it plus Macromedia was bought out by Flash. As for the drop downs and such you can make them in Flash as well but are a little harder; also check out sprys in Dreamweaver.
Another option is to purchase a website template and simply change out the content to meet your needs (you will still need the appropriate software but it may be easier to do it in 30 days).
Check out - it may be what you are looking for.
As far as web design goes, if you want a great ressource to learn web design, I stongly recommend the following book - best $27 I have ever spent! It teaches the RIGHT way to design web pages with standard compliant XHTML and CSS. Reading this book changed my life, I was designing professional web pages in less than a week!
The book is called 'Head First XHTML and CSS' - here is a link to it with some reviews:
Adobe Flash is the only way to design and publish a proper flash site. Swish might give you bit more functionality compared to A4 Desk but thats still very limited