Whats the difference between being happy and being content?

Are you happy with your life or just content with your life? which is better?

Bulent D2009-06-25T09:07:53Z

Favorite Answer

The human can be happy from everything but can't be content from everything, so everything cannot be satisfying. sometimes sorrows even can comprise the happiness...


i think of you're complicated separate subjects. Happiness is an emotion and, like each and every thoughts, is transitory. Being completely caught in a fixed emotional state, be it happy, unhappy, indignant, in spite of, could be reason for searching for psychiatric help - or in keeping with risk a demonstration of drug abuse. no person is happy each and all of the time - no person's going to be happy if their puppy dogs dies, etc. Contentment on the different hand is a state of being, so could properly be everlasting or a minimum of long term. in fact, in spite of problems could have come alongside, you could stay content with existence accepted. an identical applies any incorrect way. purely think of of how often we pay attention of folk having money, acceptance, potential, etc, yet by no ability being happy. i'm additionally a sprint annoying which you look to affiliate happiness so strongly with ambition. a sprint ambition is a robust ingredient, yet you have too a lot, with the aid of fact the announcing is going.