I don't know what to make for dinner my mom makes the same things every day but i don't eat meat and mushrooms?

can you give me some ideas to what to eat something that takes about from 5 min.-50 min.

Dorothy R2009-06-25T07:00:45Z

Favorite Answer

I have eaten a vegetarian diet for almost 21 years, and it does get challenging. First of all, people try to force their food habits on you (as evidenced by answer one below). In my opinion, if I don't force my diet on you, please don't force yours on me.

In terms of food, I quite often make soups often they combine beans, starches (rice, pasta, potatoes), and of course veggies. This is a nice combination of required nutrients.

Really, if you keep it simple, its easy to eat well on a vegetarian diet. I had a comprehensive blood count done about two years ago and was in the "healthy range" for minerals and vitamins. After 18 1/2 years (at that point) I felt that was pretty good.

There are plenty of great sites out there with vegetarian recipes. The top two sites are where I find recipes all the time, the last one allows you to find a recipe based on a vegetarian diet and the main ingredient.


Rice and beans. Macaroni and cheese. Vegetarian chili. Anything stir fry. Vegetable sandwiches. Salads.


Hi, you might want to try stuffed peppers, they are yummie! You can stuff them with rice mixed with peas and carrots, in an onion sauce. If you put them in sauce in a pot, it will take about 10 minutes (if the rice is cooked before).

Leo Sulik2009-06-25T14:07:21Z

this one is for werd
we are not naturally omnivores. you are eating a watered down version of a cow or other animal. if we were naturally omnivores then you could walk up to the dead carcass of a cow and take a big bite out of the skin without even slowing down to tear. our teeth and inner organs were not meant for the consumption of meat... but if you dont believe me then visit this website for the facts of life...


Stir-fry! Just toss some veggies you like into a pan with a bit of olive oil on the bottom and fry them. You can add tofu or not, or nuts (like almonds), and change the seasonings and veggies around to get totally different meal.

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