How does a shy girl make friends?

I'm 14 and in 9th grade. I just moved to a new town and I need to make some friends. I'm really shy and get really nervous when I talk to someone new. I don't want them to think I'm stuck up and won't talk to them I'm just scared. Plz help me!


Favorite Answer

just talk to them .
you won't make friends if you
dont talk to them .
so if you want to make friends you
have to talkkkk .


Ok try to think confident. Say you don't have anything to loose, but a lot to gain, hint hint new friends. Hold your head high (not too high!) and smile. Go up to a group of people, or just one person, that look friendly and say hi. Make eye contact and say that your new in town. Tell them your name and talk a little about your interests.
After you do that try to make friends with people your sitting next to in class, or your partner for a project. Lastly join a club or something like that and meet new people.
Good luck! Wish ya a great 9th grade!


It's possible she has serious feelings of guilt about her own body, possibly the result of religious overtones she's been exposed to. Accept right now that you won't be able to force her to change, or to rush her before she's ready. So, options: 1. Stick with the status quo, and wait. 2. Drop her and find another woman, see if that works out better for you. 3. Go see strippers once in a blue moon to fill that void, then meet up with her, let her take care of your business while you close your eyes and fantasize. Sorry if this seems crass, but as long as you list all possibilities, then and only then can you come to terms with "there ain't no magic bananas" to make the impossible happen.

Danielle D.2009-06-28T17:39:18Z

Join some kind of club, or sport. It's the easiest way to get to know people in a smaller group rather than to be with a huge group all at once. Or talk to people on your bus/ walk to and from school, etc. Or are there any other kids in your neighborhood your age? It might be easier to start one-on-one.


I'm the same way I've lived in the same place for 14 years and I only started making friends this year. I just find other kind of outcasty people and we start to talk eventually a friendship will blossom.

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