There have been numerous questions and answers that seem to advocate overthrowing the elected government of the United States. I'm wondering if any of the right-wingers (the group that claims to be all for law and order) know what is contained in U.S. Code Title 18, Part I, Chapter 115 § 2385
Also, how many of you think you could last twenty years in a Federal prison?
James Peters2009-06-28T21:30:15Z
Favorite Answer
Yes, their Treason is quite annoying.
But I don't think anyone has been brought up on Treason charges in quite some time.(At least not that I know of.)
I know a few Republicans in real life, and they do not act that way in reality. (Except maybe the southern ones.)
The framers, notably Thomas Jefferson, thought that an occasional revolution was a good idea. Funny how liberals are so forgiving of Bill Ayers and his associates, such as Barack Obama. Sedition is basically just whatever you don't happen to like.
Not coincidentally, sedition is defined by a government in control. I do not personally consider it my obligation to have concepts - if not laws - forcibly imposed over me.
The US government does not consult with me on the laws imposed over me - not in a most meager form of consultation. Hence, I am a victim of a book of imposed laws without representation.
If Congressional representatives showed good faith in consultation with me and my public on given acts of law, I might have a differing view.
The law you cite is not among any with my involvement or endorsement. Certainly powerless, I can be oppressed under this law.
But I do not have to adopt it personally. It is someone else's law.
Edit: Could I last 20 years in a federal prison? I seriously doubt it. Nevertheless, I would rather be in a rich man's prison than be a rich man's prisoner.
Let me see was not Obama called a "family friend" of Bill Ayers? by Bill Ayers, and did not Obama say that Frank Davis was his mentor, therefore could we not say by your argument that he could possibly be charged under TITLE 18 - PART I - CHAPTER 115 - Sec. 2383. Rebellion or insurrection
-STATUTE- Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
Its good to let these folks rant so you know the political climate .It really makes you wonder though do they think they would have it better some where else.or that they can run the U S of A better. They really should enact the draft and have these folk do a little service for this country since they are benefiting.