Did Justice Ginsberg really mean to say that whites have no rights?


Will all of the BO's appointees have similar opinions?


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Reverse racism is ok with the fascist Obama liberals


It certainly can be interrupted that way. Not sure how it is and was done in New Haven or else where, but at the FD my husband is at there is no place for race on the test. They use your last 4 digits of you SSN #, this way you and a few chiefs know who is made what. Plus at his dept. LT. and Capt. exams are not just based on a written test....they also have oral interviews for capts. and lt. have to drive the fire truck, run it as if he or she were at a fire other wise known as a piratical exam, these scores in addition to the written test are added together for a final score.

It is like this if you want to be promoted you have to study and study hard. Typically they know a year to two years in advance as to who is retiring and how many positions are becoming available that will need to be filled. My husband has always began studying for promotional exams a year in advance of testing. and those who really want to be promoted do the very same thing, and this includes minorities in his dept. I am sorry I do not want someone who cannot pass these test to be promoted to lt. or capt. and there for be in charge of others on the fire ground or running the pumpers and engines that supply water for fires....if you cant pass the test, then you are putting the lives of others at risk...this is test are designed for, to weed out people who cant do the job whether they are white, black, hispanic, jewish, etc. It is not just about passing or failing a test......lives are at risk....do you really want someone who cannot pass a test to be in charge of you, or in charge of saving your life or the life of you child. I don't.

John D "Your ad here"2009-06-29T20:06:18Z

"In dissent, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said the white firefighters "understandably attract this court's sympathy. But they had no vested right to promotion. Nor have other persons received promotions in preference to them." "

She didn't say they "had no rights". She said that they had "no vested right to promotion".

Distortion typical of many on the right.

If I tell you that you can't have an ice cream cone, am I telling you that you can't have anything?


"He [Clinton] should have impeached for nominating her".

The bar for impeachment has recently been set comically low by many on the right. Should we impeach Obama for swatting that fly?


Ginsberg is senile and has been since before Clinton appointed her. He should have impeached for nominating her.

September Girl2009-06-29T20:03:26Z

As a Puerto Rican I despise she is even in our race. She is like the KKK to us Puerto Ricans. Sotomayor that is.

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