Want to vote out your congress in 2010?

I do :D , join the , they stink and we want someone different party. *sarcasm* will you actually think and look at the future 3-4 generations of americans that are being completely bankrupted by the people who were elected not 8 months ago. and dont just vote for republicans and democrats, give them diversity there are usually more than two sides to many issues, and anyone who disagrees, is either talking about boolean logic, or a complete mental case. im just personally tired and outraged that if you split up the deficit between the 300million americans youd have about 500000 per person. umm not to do any math here to confuse those in power that took only basic algebra in college, but thats a bad number. but overall i think that the members that are up for re-election should lose their jobs and join the unemployed like 12% of americans have to.


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No I just think if America can vote out all REPUBLICAN candidates for congress, Congress will be fine. This congress is geared towards the people and America's best interest. Unlike the previous ones which were devoted to the Rich, Bush, And Big Business. America MAY have a chance to turn America around and make it By the people and FOR the people. The last forty years have been AGAINST the people for the rich and big business..The organized labor movement has all but been crushed and eliminated. And NOT for the peoples better. The American worker has LOST ,,paid hospitalization, paid pensions, job protection,,(HIRED AT WILL NOW) paid vacations and sick days,and the biggest loss,,,'''Respect''' !!! But on Congress, TERM LIMITATIONS of just TWO terms ,just like the president should become law !! That way , politicians wouldn't get these "pension and benefits'' they enjoy now,,that most Americans DON'T get !! J"


honestly. Getting a GOP Congress may well be Obama's maximum suitable desire for a effectual presidency. The GOP Congress of 1995 made Clinton look great by utilising balancing the fee variety and reforming welfare. Clinton and the Democrats are nevertheless claiming credit for that stuff. Obama has to do away with Pelosi and Reid. Pelosi is the main unfavorable and least helpful Speaker when you consider that previous Joe Cannon interior the early element of the 1900s. He very practically destroyed the completed domicile of Representatives along with his partisan BS and there substitute into an entire rebellion from the two sides of the aisle. the regulations that they handed to permit stability interior the domicile between the two events stood for a hundred YEARS till Pelosi overturned them with regulations modifications on the 1st DAY of this consultation of Congress. the recent regulations - returning to the dictatorial variety of Speaker Cannon - close the minority thoroughly out of any legislative place. the final public can convey law to the floor with decrease than 24 hours word, enable NO amendments, or maybe bypass taxes with out committee deliberations. NO enter from all of us. The law could be written in secret. Votes are forced THEN and THERE. The Democratic Majority is even ramming THEIR will down the throat of the President. Obama lost administration of the communicate on the so-reported as "stimulus" while he allowed Pelosi and her "gang" of left-wing thugs to write down the law. He confirmed a entire loss of management. Obama is now PAYING the fee as PUBLIC help PLUMMETS. This bill STINKS. Congress will bypass it. Pelosi and the lefties get their way. Obama is forced to sign it. it won't paintings and Obama knows that. His presidency is at stake. he will lose. huge. So will all individuals. we are TOAST.


I want to vote for someone that ain't a Democrat or a Republican I mean look at america I think Its time a Third Party is need to step in, I'm serious If theirs Nobody in America that don't step in to stop Liberals and Conservatives Murdering our way of Life then, we won't take back Our Nation from Ideologues

Turd Ferguson2009-06-30T14:24:08Z

My reps are voting as I would like them too. No complaints about the Oklahoma contingent from me. As for the democrats now in charge I would love to see those losers go.

Doug B2009-06-30T15:28:20Z

I plan to vote against any and all Republicans on my ticket, and donate money to the close races here in California. Death to the GOP!

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