What do you think of my poem "My Trip: Nothing New"?

I would greatly appreciate your constructive criticism.

Thanks to all who participate.

"My Trip: Nothing New"

I don't want to do anything new
I'm waiting to go on my trip
to my three brothers
who never knew me and never will
who will revive those
sad childhood feelings
to those brothers
who will remind me
how different I am
and I'm not talking gender
I will be pretending to be adult
pretending to be sensible and
desperately keeping my head up
while I just prefer to float on my back
And I have to have fun, good times,
smile and laugh
Yes, I have to be a joiner, join
their fun, their conversation
Perhaps, I will fail
I'll get back to my listening
and understanding mode
I'll turn into the confidant
that sympathetic, empathetic
listener role that I do to perfection
I don't want to do anything new


Favorite Answer

not a poet, dont read poetry much. i love wordsmithery(hows that for wordsmithery?), love art. so my opinion may not be valid on the matter. liked the poem, 7 or 8 out of ten. liked the wrap around beginning/ending, lovely device when used appropriately


It is a heartfelt Poem and has lots of sentiment behind all you say. It is a good Poem, and I think you have the contents and the making of a good short story book. Sounds like you were separated from early in your life. The story is touching. Go for it.


this is overwhelming because it is such a genuine , truthful and heartfelt rendition.
i respect your sentiments. cheers.

answer mine : http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AiKTi5bW7M9aaHOGdYyghT_sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090705080535AAJlo1f