My friend is being held hostage by her cat, what should I do?
my friend is being held hostage by her cat who keeps biting her. i feel like i should go save her but she lives 20 minutes away and with the road work going on it would take even longer!!! and even without road work i wouldn't be able to go cause i have an appointment for a hair cut in half an hour. what should I do?!?! what would you do?!?!
Lord Garth2009-07-07T11:44:57Z
OK, look you have to reason with the cat. First offer Fancy Feast - every cat lives for Fancy Feast. If all fails and the cat doesn't like Fancy Feast then offer to send it on regular cat vacations to exotic cat destinations, and failing all else, threaten to pull the little buggers teeth out, but only as a last resort as I cannot condone violence towards cats-or humans for that matter.
i does not. i like kitties. i could basically fake to be their hostage so as that they'd call for thousands of pounds of tuna fish and crimson meat rinds. Then i could help them sneak out the back, and tell the law enforcement officials I escaped the rabit p.c.. of canines interior to throw off their lead. Then my cats ought to get to mexico and lazy in the solar. i could connect up with them almost immediately there after and stay luckily ever after.