Are you in it for the long sure?


Slow Drip, Please

When I look back to when I was young
I cry when I see what we’ve become
Now we tell jokes about Ward and June
Forgot the magic of man on the moon

Maybe then we were all to naive
It sure seemed like we had reason to believe
We’d grow up the world would be ours
There’d be peace amongst global powers

Live in a world where we cared for each other
Got past the hate and called our enemies brother
Some 30 years later as I see what we’ve lost
I can’t get past the final cost

We’re still killing each other on a daily basis
Liberties are dispensed according to races
Half a million children right here not eating
Probably twice that number taking a beating

Kids that used to play and run in the street
Turned out and into spy boys for the heat
No parks no playgrounds nowhere to go
Their first job is looking out for five-oh

Neighborhoods ruined with each departing owner
Every youth a potential organ donor
Subsidized housing they call Section 8
Another government apology that turned out great

Half of all somehow someway addicted
Pricey accountants say it’s all self inflicted
A panel of cronies your life in their hand
So sorry your malady doesn’t fit into our plan

I know I wasn’t perfect and didn’t follow the rules
But explain to me the killing at our schools
We had our gangs and hung out at the park
It was sports and scouts and you were home by dark

Now as nightfall sets there’s no one on the street
And if so they’re probably packing heat
We trusted cops priests our so called leaders
Not knowing they were scum more bottom feeders

Corporate fat cats with their accounts swollen
So many hands in the till so much of it stolen
Cold hearted bastards stacking the decks
So our elders never get to see their checks

Old folks homes dubbed assisted care centers
Half the staff filled with vile tormentors
How can it be we allow this to continue
I’m scared to think what will be on my menu

No longer are we shocked never too surprised
Every value we had has been compromised
Can’t say why I expected more from mankind
Call Dr. Jack and hook me up on the line



YIKES T....I wrote this 8 years ago and never saw the to(o)...thanks...and the comma works

© ♪♫♪ tori ♫♪♫2009-07-14T01:23:30Z

Favorite Answer

This is one of the best, hp!

Your thoughts are mine so often now and still I do nothing. Your poem should be submitted to AARP or another magazine for publication. A generation will relate, the next one too, and {God forbid} the grand kids now. Check with Writer's Market for a place accepting poetry - this is good.

Maybe then we were all to naive <-- too
We’d grow up, the world would be ours <-- insert comma

There may be a few others, but each time I read this I am drawn back in; I feel this and I hate the feeling, but it is necessary.

Great work! t


Two fingers, please

If we could place Dr. Jack on hold for awhile
Permission to treat the witness as hostile
You've painted a world in black and blues
No room on your canvas for softer hues

Things may have seemed better in the good ol days
The population has doubled per census surveys
Twice the numbers, twice the crime, double the hate
But then you must double the good and love on our plate

The Yidiot's philosophies may be slightly askew
And I assure my intent here is not to argue
Lets stay drunk and these troubled times transcend
Barkeep! Two fingers of Jack for me and my friend


Seems like its all downhill. Scary, but true. When I was a kid us girls used to play all over the place and were never threatened. Now, kids can't even play in their own back yards. Old folks have to worry about having their pain patches stolen by the help. Can't trust anyone anymore. Good writing (as usual).


The tribal law prohibits/excludes same-sex couple marriage Under the nation tribal statue marriage is not gender-neutral. It is meant to be between man and a woman. Tribal sovereignty statutes mandate that Native American marriages be recognized by states.


As my mouth drops open in {{{ah}}} - well done. A finer picture of our plight - will be hard to come by. I once thought - that when flower power - grew up - and came into power - things would change. Well - it hasn't - and things have gotten worse. Thank you for putting it down and sending it down the line ♥

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