Hi, I need advice on dating ... not just anybody.?

Well, I'm friends with this guy. He's sweet :) and he makes me smile !
He told me that he wrote me a song, (he's a famous singer/song writer/actor, which is why I can't say his name - he dosent really like people into his "lovelife"), but he told me I'm not aloud to hear the song until it's completly done, editing and all. So I think he likes me, && I really really like him to. He's kind of young, but totally adorable & cute.
I think I'm falling for him, he has the perfect hair, eyes... skin :) everything! :b
BUT (yes his bum is perfect to but that isn't what I mean.)


Would you date someone famous?

why && why not?

I'd really appreciate your input :)


Favorite Answer

you know it depends on the guy

when i say that i mean you want to judge his character
is this a guy who wont get too swallowed into his career and fame to give u a rats ***
or will he still be the same ol him

so dont really worry about the whole dating a famous guy
what you should be asking yourself is will we have the desired relationship

(sorry to sound mushy)

and yes, if i judged well on his unwavering character and you truly liked him, i would SO go for it chika bear lol


That is really sweet! Take it slow. Try spending more "romantic" time with him to see how it would go. Things can be harder when it comes to attention and communication and time, when it comes to somebody in the spotlight. Tell him you want to see how things go if you start going on dates and such. Maybe, be like, "I think we both kinda like each other, and I dont know how well it would work, but I want to give it a try" and suggest, not being steady or exclusive, but romantic.

If he is able to satisfy your needs (for attention and romance) than I don't think you'll have to worry about him being a busy, famous person! Give it a try, and if it works out for you, become exclusive.

Natural and slow.


Date someone famous to me it doesn't matter if they are famous or not. If you do date someone famous it's gonna be hard to have a private life, you say he is an actor would you be okay with him kissing other girls if scene requires it? It's possible that there will be girls that dislike or hate you for being with him. If you are okay with that then think you can deal go ahead but i suggest don't date some just cause their famous do it cause you like them.


Haha is it one of the Jonas Brothers? :) ...your name! hehe

If I really liked a person and he really liked me, then I would date him regardless if he's famous or not. It will feel nice to be noticed by other people but it will be kinda hard considering the media is always tracking you down and invade your privacy. Not to mention how all the fame can cause false rumors. UGHH. >__< There are lots of ups and downs to this situation but if you can really work things out then Good for You :)


jonas brothers....mmmm well i wouldnt date anyone famous imagine how many girls want with him and how much temptation it would be heres the thing if you do you get hurt if you dont then your ok i know your pretty no singer or actor will go with anyone ugly so jus turn him down dont get hurt he maybe famous but there are better guys still all he can do is sing and act now if its brad pitt then go for it but not for a jonas brother lol they famous with kids not the mainstream thus they are on disney channel lol

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