What is this thing for our Black women non American?

Comparing them with questions which truly can't be answered such as who is better etc.


I meant regarding male and Black female


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everyone just cant seem to get enough of black people i guess, why else are they most talked about, geeze, they really are taking over the world. lol, but seriously, im sick of it too. people just keep trying to put others down for dumb reasons out of their own insecurites. just stop it people. theres life out there beyond this computer.


Well, well, well....
I am A Black Woman, and Non American

I am not filty, ghetto, and I don't wear horse hair because I an too damn attractive anyway...

Imagine if African... no black women were born with that type of glorious hair, we would have been like Cleopatra's Goddesses...

Think about it...
And why JUDGE ?
Look aroud you... All women form ALL races have insecurities and do things to change themselves....

Some women of certain races- besides blacks- dye their hair, pump their lips, wear tons of makeup, get tans, butt implants, and breast implants.... and if that is not enough for them, they become anorexic...
Does that ring a bell....
And by the way, doesn't women of other races wear wigs and horse hair too?

If I hadn't GROW UP and become knowledgable and have MANY friends of different races...
I just might have believed you and begin to feel sorry for my self......

Isn't that what you wanted?


GETt A LIFEe F00l\\


Matter of opinion I suppose


Trixie N, I don't wear fake hair, and I'm not ghetto... but i don't like ghetto people

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