How far apart should you space your children?

What are the pros and cons of the ages of your children? My husband and I are TTC our second early next year and I just wanted to see what everyone else has gone through.


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In my opinion it's different for every child. My brother and I were 6 years apart. We had our spats like any sibling will but we are very close. My son and daughter are 22 months apart. they interact very well together and my daughter being the oldest was very loving with her younger brother and helpful. And so was I at age 6 when my brother was born. My husband and I are TTC a third and there will be a 7 and 9 year difference if we conceive this year. And my kids are super excited. But i have friends and cousins that are close and far apart that fight and never get along. It all depends on the kids personality and how you interact with them together in the beginning. You can't really plan how kids are going to get a long.


Based soley on health issues, if you are only having 2 children, back to back is just fine. If you are having 3, then you need to space the 3rd one at least 2 years from the birth of the 2nd. Research has indicated that closer spacing of a third child often results in issues including mental illness.


My sister and I are 3 years apart and she used to beat me up and she is still mean to me now. My oldest son and daughter are 19 months apart and they would fight when they were younger and now that they are teenagers they get along great. My daughter is 11 years older than my youngest son and they pick on each other.


2 1/2 yrs apart is the Absolutely the Best, because the toddler, will be a big help to run & get a diaper, wipes & enjoy being helpful...

not less than 2 no more than 3 yrs apart...

my kids are all 2 1/2 yrs apart, we have 9 kids... and now we are Expecting Twins Again... in Jan.. this will be our 3rd set of twins...

No Place Like home2009-07-24T09:21:53Z

3 1/2-4 years apart.

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