Where can i find cool, inexpensive, hip furniture?

I'm decorating my smoothie place and im looking for cool cheap hip furniture such as chairs,sofas,tables, lights. u can anwser if u could post a link that would be great....the item i would like the most in a Neon Blue couch....thx for helping


Favorite Answer

You can get alot of really neat stuff on ebay. They have the really cool kinda modern retro sofas and sectionals in all the neat colors. Where are you located? My mom has a hot pink contemporary kidney bean shaped sofa she is selling. And a bright red one also. Shes in KY.


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Where can i find cool, inexpensive, hip furniture?
I'm decorating my smoothie place and im looking for cool cheap hip furniture such as chairs,sofas,tables, lights. u can anwser if u could post a link that would be great....the item i would like the most in a Neon Blue couch....thx for helping


Thrift store finds like Goodwill stores are great & inexpensive. Most times you can just add a coat of paint! Try shopgoodwill.com, it works just like ebay! Bid and win the item for next to nothing!


Z Gallery! That place is AMAZING! I can assure you, Z Gallery is nothing but cool and hip furniture.

This is the website~



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