How to use the word androgynous?
If someone asked me if i was female or male could i say
"im androgynous?"
how else could you use the word androgynous?
She looks so androgynous?
thanks in advance =D
If someone asked me if i was female or male could i say
"im androgynous?"
how else could you use the word androgynous?
She looks so androgynous?
thanks in advance =D
Favorite Answer
Back in his early years David Bowie did a superb job as an androgynous singing act.
I'm adrogynous is fine, buit not she's androgynous. you could say it's androgynous. but saying she gives the subject of the sentence gender (Shge) and the predicate (Looks androgynous) causes the subject to be wrong about what gender she is.
Well, androgyny isn't a gender . . . it's a way of life. =D So if someone asked you if you were male or female, I don't think it works to say you're androgynous. Correct me if I'm wrong (androgyny isn't my area of expertise), but that's what I think now. =D
Androgynous: Bearing both staminate and pistillate flowers in the same cluster with the male flowers being uppermost; Hermaphroditic - being able to reproduce by itself. When used in reference to a female, it alludes to looking more mannish the womanish.
Bill S
well if you have taken on an "androgynous" look and attitude it fits!