Atheist if all this occurs, would you believe?

Christians believe the gospel of Jesus because of the Resurrection and fulfilled prophecy. The last days makes these prophecies, Iran Russia and Turkey will attack Israel and lose...A one world government will be formed by diplomacy...A peace solution will be made in Israel allowing them a third temple..these prophecies are critical because after the temple is opened the world leader will turn on Israel and persecute and kill many Jews, they will flee and then He will exult himself and demand to be worshiped , the mark of the beast will be required ..if all this happens will you take the mark or die taking your chances on Christ who receive those martyred during this time...god is will be so obvious what will you do if it goes down like this?


the table of nations is given in gen 10 ancient historians Pliny and Josephus among others have traced the nations of there day to the ancient tribes and we can trace them back to their day. The central charecter Israel has enough prophecy regarding it alone to render Ezekiel 38 39 significant .. if you study ezekeiel 36 37 throughout the bible the scattering and regathering of Isreael is put forth...the last days they will be scattered no more Joined as one nation instead of two....this war is so that Israel and the nations may believe..the point is when it happens you will have proof...I put up a link to a great scholar and you can listen to studies on ez 36 37 38 39 the man uses extensive bible prophecy from the entire picture to paint a clear picture of this scenario.


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"The last days makes these prophecies, Iran Russia and Turkey"

Show me where any of those countries is specifically named in the Bible and you'll already have me convinced.

Can you?

Andrew W2009-07-26T23:26:28Z

Forget the resurrection. The day that Iran, Russia, and Turkey all do anything coherent together, I'll believe in God. And if that one thing is to attack Israel...I don't see that happening EVER first of all, but should it ever, I don't see them getting whipped by Israel. We're not talking about some jackoffs with unguided rockets Israel will be defending against this time.

To answer your question though...if biblical prophecies started being unquestionably realized, say for instance, the rapture (for those who believe in that), Yeah, I would believe. If half the world instantly disappeared, and I saw angels flying around the sky????? I'll get on my knees and pray. Till then, the bible is just a book for me.

On a side note, I'm not an atheist, I just despise organized religion and the notion that I must do certain things and live the way some old guy in Italy says I have to. If I feel the need to talk to God, I close my eyes and speak. I'll find out if I'm wrong one day, but so will you.

Painted Jezebel2009-07-26T23:09:01Z

The problem with ALL prophecy, regardless of the religion, is that it is non-specific and usually uses vague allegory.

"A leader will deceive the people, but everyone will love him, and bad things will happen to certain people, and then those people will be liberated."

Great, that has only happened, THOUSANDS of times throughout human history. How are we supposed to know that one set of events actually is the one that is being talked about by a prophet (provided the prophet in question wasn't just suffering heat stroke hallucinations in a desert somewhere in the first place)?


I would still consider the rational explanation to be more likely than the physically and logically impossible explanation.

Although, speaking as someone with a degree in international relations, I can't really think what rational explanation there could possibly be, aside from thousands of senior government officials deciding to act out biblical prophecies to confuse Christians.


What a hotchpotch of silly claims that just make christians a laughingstock and not only put non christians off listening but drive good people out of the church in embarrassment at being associated with it!!

Christianity down over ten percent in less than a decade and the loss is increasing!!

You are not supporting god in doing that!!!!

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