Why do you automatically get declared racist if you don't like Obama?

Why is it that if you do not like President Obama, then you are dubbed racist? Is it not possible to dislike a president without race being a factor? There have been a lot of presidents that I have disliked, yet because Obama is African American, then "you are racist" is you don't like him. Why? Serious answers only please.


The reason for asking is because someone asked me the other day if I thought Obama was a good President. I said "not really". I was told I was just racist and that was why I don't like him.

eric s2009-07-28T17:01:50Z

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because liberals can't help but play the victim card.

if you don't like obama you must be racist.

if you don't support gay marriage you are a homophobe.

if you are pro-life you are a realigious zealot.

if you don't want illegal alien gangbangers shooting Americans dead int he streets you're even more of a racist.

if you don't want to pay 60% of your income to the government to provide welfare to those illegal alien gangbangers you're a greedy fat cat.

you get the picture. in short, since they can't win on issues they try to avoid the debates by name calling.


The problem is, the grand majority of discourse on the matter stems from people who don't articulate their "why" part of "Why I don't like Obama".
You have people who, for whatever their reasons, decide to use the following:

Capitalizing HUSSEIN as if to draw attention to the fact his middle name is indeed, Hussein.
Calling for his impeachment.

Now, I'm entirely for open discourse and discussion of any topic, within reason. When someone uses any combination of the few examples I've written, it's hard to not just take them serious, but I question their motivation for saying so entirely. There are plenty of reasons to pick apart Obama that don't need to be qualified by his name or calling for his impeachment. That last item alone I find not just questionable, but the best example of why people hide behind such sentiments to cover their own ignorance or racism towards the man. (Really, six months in office doing clean up after eight years of Bush's administration and you want Obama's head?)

That doesn't mean not liking Obama=Racist. Anyone who does that is just as guilty of kneejerk responses as the examples above getting thrown into a conversation. Who would or is saying "You are racist"? They're ignorant and not contributing to the good of our public discourse.


I know exactly how you feel. I have been labeled the same even though I have never voted democrat and have always disagreed with democrat policies, but now because of a black liberal prez. Now I am a racists.


That is not true, you are dubbed racist by the comments you make about him, not liking him is not racist. Those jerks disliking him because he is black now that's a different story, but be honest that is the real reason white people dislike him.


Obviously america isnt as racist as it was before or he wouldnt be in office and i guess they think everythings ok just because he's black like them...all they think is horray we have our first black president they dont care what he thinks about politics and such....

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