How has global warming or climate change changed your life?
Large impact, no impact, profit, or loss? I would like to hear your story.
Large impact, no impact, profit, or loss? I would like to hear your story.
Favorite Answer
The only change in my life is listening to all of this false BS just because Al Gore figured out a new scam.
Jill M
Since there is no global warming or climate change it has had no impact on me - unless you want to count the laugh I have when it comes up in conversation.
You should do a little research. Climate/weather goes in cycles. Go back to the earliest records for your area and make a graph. You will see that is true. Generally, about every 50 yrs there is a 8-10 yr drought. Generally, about 1x in 1-2 decades there is a very 'wet' year. But overall if you average daily temps through out the year they come out very similar. Wake up and smell the coffee. Everything you hear on tv is NOT true.
Global warming was SO BAD last winter that I had to shovel snow 4 times in one day, my patio cover collapsed, and we had six days of work/school closings due to snow. On the plus side, State Farm gave me a nice check for the patio cover.
Seriously though, it really hasn't affected my life. Climatic change is the only constant in life. We are still below the average global temperature during the Medieval Warm Period and well below the temperature of the Holocene Maximum about 6000 years ago (when society formed and people started farming) that lasted almost 3000 years. According to NOAA, if we are causing warming, we might reach the bottom temp of the Holocene maximum by 2100.
According to paleo-climatology, we are coming to the end of an interglacial which means that we are due for an ice age (average of 6-10 degrees global temperature drop) so if global warming is man made, we better crank it up a bit!
None. It's bologna and that fact is finally starting to surface. The climate cycle is controlled by sunspot activity and other natural forces, and the temperatures we have had are exactly what you would predict based on the recent cycle magnitude.
We are now heading into a cooling phase that should bring cooler global temperatures and increasing fish populations of the pacific coast for the next decade or so.
The long term cycle is still up as it has been for many thousands of years. Did you know that when the pyramids were built the planes around them were sparse grasslands and places like Aspen CO were under hundreds of feet of ice? This is the natural cycle and has nothing to do with us.
I think it's fantastic! I live in a northern climate and instead of having to move I'll be able to stay here and be comfortable. Plus I like oranges, in just a few short years I should be able to plant my own orange trees.