Rhode Island officials shut down more than 1200 businesses that can't pay state taxes - THOUSANDS UNEMPLOYED?

Now that the OBAMA DEPRESSION is causing 80,000 job losses PER DAY

Why do LIBERALS insist that taxes on business don't hurt the middle class?

Thousands are now unemployed due to crushing taxes on their struggling employers.

Why do GREEDY, tax raising liberals HATE the middle class so much?



Favorite Answer

this president and congress will be judged in history as the dark days of american history! how bad is it when they let,geitner,rangle,daschul,dodd etc. all go with out even a fine.


Actually, Rhode Island IS both a state AND an Island, The world book encyclopedia says "Narragansett Bay almost cuts Rhode Island in two. The bay extends 28 miles (45 kilometers) inland from southern Rhode Island. The state has 36 islands, most of which are in the bay. Aquidneck, the largest island, was officially named Rhode Island in 1644. Towns on the mainland were called Providence Plantations. As a result, Rhode Island's official name is 'State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations/. Thus, the smallest state has the longest official name."

Subject 2 Change2009-07-30T11:31:32Z

I don't see it as a "Liberal" or non-liberal thing... if a company can't pay taxes, how can they pay their employees? They can't!

As a small business owner forced out of business by the economy created by the Bush Administration, I can assure you that if they could not pay their taxes, they were cheating on payroll as well and it was only a matter of time before their employees would have been out on the streets looking for another job.


The interesting thing is that their is actually no time in histor when massvie govt spending ever brought this country out of a recession. t was only through targeted tax cuts, altering depreciating schedules, and lessening govt regulations. So now that we all know this, it's clear that the Obama and ultra liberal economy busters are interested in gaining as much govt power, and that's what it is all about.

Mickey Mouse 20142009-07-31T08:58:25Z

If they can't afford STATE taxes. Thats not Federal taxes, hun, don't blame that on Obama.

If they couldn't pay taxes its cause they had no money and were probably going under eventually anyway.

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